A simple cover-to-cover overview of Bible basics in plain words and vivid word pictures for seekers and students of all ages
Play Latest EpisodeMy in-laws former house was a registered historic landmark – a large, stately three story rich, in history. It was a great place to visit, but a lousy place to get a relaxing shower. My shower would change from a torrent to a trick…
Did Jesus do all things well? The apostle Mark reports this reaction from those who followed Jesus: “They were utterly astonished, saying, ‘He has done all things well’” (Mark 7:37). What Jesus did, He did A-plus well. B…
My childhood friend and and college roommate got married the summer he graduated. As his best man, I got an inside peek behind the scenes. And one scene stands out in 3-D clarity from that weekend. The rehearsal, groom’s dinn…
Your WordPictures guide
I have been leading seekers and students of all ages through the Bible for almost 4 decades. I'm honored you are tagging along with us on this journey!