Feb. 26, 2021

115. Beginner Bible Course: Jesus' Roman trial and scourging

115.  Beginner Bible Course: Jesus' Roman trial and scourging
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The Roman trial and pre-crucifixion treatment of Jesus



The last person who wanted to see Jesus on the cross was Satan. When I make that statement in front of my students, you should see the look on their faces. I'm not sure that's a stretch. Here's why we know Satan tried to keep Jesus from being born at all way back in Genesis three, God had promised that one would come, who would stomp Satan's head and end the curse of sin. In our episode, on the Kings of Judah, we found a woman, the white witch queen AF Aliah. She decided she wanted to be queen. So she decided she was going to get rid of all of her grandbabies. She almost succeeded. The littlest guy, Joe Ash was hidden away from her.



And apparently grandma atha, Leia didn't know her grandkids very well. If she would have been successful, she could have ended the line of David. If she ended the line of David, the Messiah could not have come from the line of David. I smelled a rat in queen AF Elia as actions. Then we fast forward to the book of Esther in the book of Esther, we met our villain Haman. He tried to wipe out the entire Jewish race, thanks to Esther and her guardian Mordecai that didn't succeed. If Haman's plan had succeeded, the Messiah couldn't come through the Jewish race as promised. Then we get to the birth of Jesus. He's born and King Herod issues.



A decree that every baby within a radius of his birthplace Bethlehem was to be exterminated. At the beginning of Jesus' ministry. In the gospels, we found Jesus out in the wilderness. Satan approaches him with three temptations. Two of those temptations were shortcuts to him becoming the Messiah King over the earth. One, throwing himself off the temple to demonstrate he was from guide so that people would follow him. And the other just flat out getting the rule of the earth. If he would only bow and worship Satan, if Jesus had bent to either of those two temptations, he could have bypassed the cross. Of course, all of us would have still been under the curse of sin and separated from God.



It comes up again in Matthew chapter 16, at the end of year, three of Jesus' ministry, he starts talking more about going to Jerusalem to die on the cross and be raised on the third day. Peter has just made his amazing confession. You are the Christ, the son of the living God, and gotten a high five from Jesus. But right after that, when Jesus mentions the cross, Peter gets in his face and says, Lord, this will never happen to you. Jesus response. Get behind me, Satan. You're thinking of the things of man, not the things of God. Then in the last couple of episodes, we looked at several other things that just make me scratch my head and wonder in a wave of events in the upper room, Jesus has to face the betrayal of Judas.



One of his disciples and the sheer stupidity of the rest of his disciples. You'd have to wonder Jesus. Wasn't wondering if this previous mission wasn't pretty much for not. Then we get to the garden of disseminate and the pounding Jesus is taking in his spirit, such a pounding that God has to send. One of heaven's bellboys, an angel to support him and the disciples he's brought with him, Peter, James and John. He pleads with them to pray for him. And instead they go to sleep again, you have to wonder, did it cross Jesus, mind this dying on the cross for these people was a fool errand. And then we looked at the overt blasphemous abuse.



Jesus took from the religious leaders that had his first nighttime kangaroo court trial. It's hard to even read what they did to him. You think about the incident around the golden calf in Exodus chapter 32 God. The father was extremely angry with the behavior of the children of Israel down at the bottom of the Hill. What must the father have been thinking about the abuse of Jesus in that courtyard, from those religious leaders, the sheer blasphemy and abusive that all it's hard for me not to think that Satan was behind that kind of abuse to get Jesus, to just rage, quit on him and forget the whole thing. And we're not finished in this episode.



We're going to look at Jesus' trial before the Roman authorities and his being nailed to a Roman yeah. Cross and several other events make me think even more Satan could well have wanted Jesus not to go through with the crucifixion. At least not all the way through it. Let's take a look. The cock crows and the religious trial is over. So the Jewish leaders drag Jesus to pilot. He's the only one that can issue a death sentence on Jesus. Either give them permission to stone, Jesus, or to condemn him under Roman law to the cross. Matthew gives us a little window into Judas at this point, Judas hears about the verdict of the religious court and he feels terrible about it.



Apparently he finds some of the religious leaders in the temple. He says, simply this I've sinned against an innocent man through religious leaders reply, it's a done deal. That's a you problem. Judas throws the 30 pieces of silver at them. Matthew tells us he went out and hanged himself. The leaders in the temple probably priests collected the money. They had a problem under the law. It was blood money. That's what they say. We can't put this money for murder into the treasury. So they just, they would buy a cemetery for foreigners. So they pick a natural site. A field pottery workers would dig into to get there. Clay, the Potter's field.



They use the money of Judas to buy a Potter's field in Zachariah 11, 13. This is what God said to Zachariah. And the Lord said to me, throw it to the Potter, that princely price they set on me. So I can took the 30 pieces of silver and threw them into the house of the Lord for the Potter that was written about 500 years before this event, back to the mob, taking Jesus to pilot, they get the governor up early in the morning before his coffee. No doubt. And they don't start it out on a very good foot. The Jews won't go into his place to talk to him. It's Passover. And he is a Roman they're Jewish people who don't want to be defiled.



So pilot has to go out to them. What's the charge on this man? They don't answer his question. They just said, would we get you up early in the morning and bring this guy here. If you weren't a criminal pilot responds, you deal with it and starts heading back inside. But the Jews stop him with this only you, a Roman can order his execution. They believe Jesus is blasts beam. God, the Jewish penalty is being stoned, but they want Jesus crucified. I asked my students, why do you think that is? I mean, dad is dead stoning. Wasn't just picking up baseball size rocks and pelting somebody. The victim was normally put down into some sort of a pit and bowling ball sized boulders were dropped on him.



One of those rocks hitting you in the head was all it took. And you slept through the rest of it. But crucifixion could take days. Pilot decides to bring Jesus inside and question him. Pilot asks. So are you King of the Jews? As they say, Jesus says it's, as you say, somehow, pilot can hear all kinds of accusations from the mob outside. Jesus just stands there. Silent pilot ass. Aren't you going to answer any of their charges against you? Jesus says nothing. Pilot then goes back outside to the religious Jewish mom. I find nothing against this man. Desperate. The Jews start leveling charges.



He's telling us not to pay taxes to the Roman government. And he says, he's a King pilot. Isn't swayed. Get him out of here. He's done nothing. The mob continues. He's causing riots everywhere. He goes both here in Jerusalem and in Galilee Galilee. When pilot hears that he realizes this might be my out Galilee is Herod's jurisdiction. Herod happened to be in town. Herod was delighted to me. Jesus. He'd heard about him. And he was looking for an opportunity to meet Jesus and see if Jesus would do a little trick for him. A miracle. Of course, the mob follows Jesus to pilot's house. They start hurling accusations, their heritage assembles his soldiers, Herod plies him with questions.



But Jesus says nothing. Then Herot in the soldiers began to mock and ridicule him here. It asks for a Royal robe, probably one of his own and mockingly puts it on Jesus. But then he tires of this disappointing figure and sends him back to pilot. When Jesus gets back to pilot, pilot says to the mob, I think he's innocent. Herod thinks he's innocent. I'll have him whipped and released the frenzy of the mob increases. Even more than pilot comes up with an idea. It was customary at Passover to release a prisoner to the Jews, to pacify them pilot, thanks to the most notorious prisoner he can think of.



Barabis a man accused of murder and causing insurrection among the Jews. Pilot realizes it's out of envy. The Jewish leaders have brought Jesus up for trial. So pilot plays to the growing crowd. Shall I release for you? This Jesus, you call the Christ or Barabis. As the Jewish leaders start working the crowd for a response. Pilot gets a message. It's from his wife, have nothing to do with this righteous Jesus guy. I had a dream last night, leave this guy alone. Now pilots, even more concerned. He faces the crowd again and says, shall I release to you? Jesus? Or Barabis by this time the religious leaders have the crowds on their side.



Give us Barabis pilot replies. If I give you Barabis what shall I do with this guy? Jesus, they chant crucify him. Still pilot pushes back. Why? What has he done? Mark adds the crowd starts crowding in on pilot. Once again, pilot calls Jesus back inside. He asks him, are you the King of the Jews? Jesus replies. Is that your question? Or did someone else tell you about me pilot? Half annoyed, half terrified asked, do I look like a Jew? Jesus replies. I'm not an earthly King. If I were, my subjects would fight for me, but I am a King.



I was born to be a King and I was sent here to bring truth to this world. Here's where pilot utters his famous line. What is truth? Pilot brings them back outside and says, I find him not guilty. Still. They scream, crucify him with the crowds, pressing in on him, getting more and more agitated. Mark tells us pilot was anxious and he decided it was expedient to please the crowd he calls for a bowl of water. Then in front of the crowd, washes his hands and says, I'm innocent of this man's blood. This is on you to which the mob replies it's on us and on our children, pilot releases Barabis and then he orders Jesus to be scourged.



Matthew tells us a battalion of soldiers, took him back inside to their area. It's now on their turf without witnesses. These were men hauled away from their families. They're in this Jewish city where the residents spit in front of them. When they walk Sakari Jews, zealots assassinate them in the streets. Now they're standing in front of this figure who claims to be their King and they take out their frustration and rage on him. They strip him down and scourge him. You need to look up a Roman scourge on Wikipedia. It's often called a cat of nine tails. It wasn't just a leather whip.



It had bits of jagged sheep, bone led balls and weights. It was not designed to simply inflict pain and teach a lesson. It was designed to dig in and tear away. Those who are scourged frequently died from the scourging itself. As it often exposed inner organs in the tearing away, it was customary not to give more than 40 lashes with a scourging. It often didn't take more than 40 lashes, but these are angry, frustrated men and Jesus is in their barracks where there's no eyewitnesses. Personally. I think Satan wanted Jesus dead at the scourging post.



Jesus survived the scourging and then the abuse continued. Here's where the Roman soldiers put a crown of thorns on his head, put a stick in his hand and dressed him in purple. They took turns, grabbing the stick and beating them over the head. Then falling to their knees and mock worship saying hail King of the Jews. Mark tells us they did this until they grew tired of it. And their fury was spent. They then led him out to be crucified. Well, not exactly. According to John pilot tried one more time to get what was left of Jesus released. He brings a bloody Jesus out to the crowd saying, I find him not guilty behold, the man, but that backfires it's like blood in the water with sharks.



Pilot says you take them out and kill him. They reply. He called himself the son of God. When pilot hears this, he's even more afraid. He takes Jesus back inside again, bringing Jesus back out. He yells to the crowd. Shall I kill your King? To which the crowd replies, we have no King, but Caesar has it really come to that. The Messiah, the son of David sent to be the savior and the King of Kings and the ones to whom he was sent. The last ones he came to seek and save scream. We want Caesar is our King. It's the words of John's gospel prologue.



He came to his own and his own received him. Not you'd expect the father to speak from heaven. Like he did three times over his son, Jesus saying, okay, people your will be done, but that's not how this goes. John's gospel says for God, so loved this lost world that he would give his only begotten son, no matter what Jesus has then led out to be crucified to a place likely on the Northwest side of Jerusalem, criminals had to carry their own crossbeam. And it was only about a kilometer on this windy road through Jerusalem, but Jesus is so depleted. He falls under the weight of it.



A man named Simon from siren has conscripted to carry his cross beam. Luke tells us on their journey to gal Gotha. A large crowd was following behind including many grief stricken women. Jesus says to the ladies who are weeping. Dear ladies, don't weep for me, weep for yourself for a time is coming for you. That's going to be dreadful. Read about the seizure of Jerusalem in 78, by the Romans. During that time, an average of 500 Jews were crucified everyday outside of Jerusalem. Luke also tells us two other criminals were in the party with Jesus. And once out to Golgotha the place of the skull, the three of them were crucified Jesus in the middle and one criminal on either side.



We'll look at that crucifixion and Jesus, six hours on the cross in our next wordpicture.