Nov. 20, 2020

14. Beginner Bible Course: WHEN was the world created?

14. Beginner Bible Course:  WHEN was the world created?
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Genesis 1 - Is the universe very old or very new and just looks old?


EPISODE 14  The simple Bible overview of…WHEN WAS THE WORLD CREATED?

You need a new coffee table for your house. So you go on Craig's list and up pops, a dandy it's cheap and brand new. When you get to the owner's house, you look at the coffee table and say, dude, you said it was brand new. That thing's really beat up. The owner applies. It is new. I've got the receipt. I antiqued it. You know, shabby chic is in his, that coffee table legitimately new, or is it old or is it new and just looks old. How old is our planet? Is it very old? Is it very new or is it new and just looks old Genesis.



Doesn't tell us all it tells us is in the beginning. The Hebrew literally is when God began to create the heavens in the earth. Before we talked about what we don't know the age of the earth, let's talk about what we do know from Genesis in our last word picture, we said, God created the heavens in the earth. The Bible claims that we're here on purpose. Further. As we read Genesis one and to in the rest of the Bible, we find out how God did this. The universe and earth were spoken into existence out of nothing. That's a hard thing to understand and trust, but requires no less faith than believing the universe came out of a big bang of a densely packed.



Adam. That's pretty much out of nothing too. We also learn in Genesis one. The creation was perfect. Looked for the word. Good God said that. And it was good. Good in Hebrew doesn't mean good in English good in English. It means B plus that'll do actually that's better than we'll just do good in Hebrew means that's perfect. I couldn't add anything and make that better. That's God finishing, speaking the world into existence, dropping the mic. That's what Genesis one and two teaches us clearly. Genesis one and two also tells us the how the order of creation.



Step one, light and dark. Step two waters above waters below step three, separate the continents and create plants. By the way. Have you looked at a world map? Doesn't it look like the continents were pulled apart like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. It fit together. Step for sun, moon and stars. Step five, birds, fish and presumably reptiles, egg layers, step sex mammals and man step seven, God steps back and admires his work. When it comes to how old the earth is.



God in Genesis is not so explicit though. Some people would argue that he is, there are three Craig's lists like possibility is the earth is very old. The earth is very new or the earth is new, but looks old. Let's take a look at these three possibilities. Let's start with the earth is very young. Maybe as young as six to 10,000 years. How do people who hold this view conclude that they read Genesis one seven days of creation is seven literal 24 hour consecutive days on their side of the argument. The normal usage of the word in Hebrew day is of a normal day, not an Epic our era.



As we would say back in the day, they also point out in the text that several times it says, and there was morning and there was evening a second or third or fourth day taking these to be seven literal consecutive 24 hour days that God created. They then add the lifespans of those listed in the genealogies of the old Testament to this day of creation and conclude that the earth has had less than 10,000 birthdays. Many of these adherence are also pushing back on secular scientists who believe there was no creation by an outside designer. They warned Bible adherence.



Don't bow the knee to secular science and their theories. Other adherence to the Bible believe that the earth is likely very old. They would reply. We're not bowing. The knee to secular science and their theories. God is the father of science adherence to this view would not agree that the days of creation were seven literal consecutive 24 hour days, some would push back against the 24 hour definition of day and say, occasionally in Hebrew, the word day is used for an Epic or period. Others would push back against the consecutive day Is they would say, God clearly created quickly, much less than a 24 hour day.



One of the stages of creation, and then put a long period of time in between. This is known as the day age view. They might suggest why couldn't God stage one, create light and dark and wait 2 billion years before separating the waters above and the waters below they point to the phrase early in Genesis. One that the earth was formless and void before creation day one even started kind of sounds like 10,000 Legos in a dark room that haven't been assembled yet. Young earth theory. Bible advocates push back and say, wait a minute, there's a fly in your era between creation day's argument.



How can God create plants on day three, but not create the sun until day four? Or if it was millions or billions of years later, plants need photosynthesis. They need the sun. Your argument fails to which old earth advocates have the Bible. It will say not so fast in the book revelation. Speaking about God, recreating the heavens in the earth in our future, it says there'll be no need for the son for God will provide the light God could of been providing the photosynthesis for a billion years to plants prior to making the sun advocates of an old earth.



Also point to the nature of God. And even the biblical teaching that God is outside of time. God's not bound by time. It's no big deal to him. God wrote to the writer, Peter and the new Testament a day to God is like a thousand years. And a thousand years is like a day old earth advocates might add a couple of zeros and say a data. God is like a billion years and a billion years. Like the day further they might add. I can talk to the grand Canyon and look at those beautiful layers in the rock and imagine God over a long period of time, forming those layers in the walls before ever putting man on this planet to enjoy looking at it.



Advocates of a young earth might reply, wait a minute, God is an artist. Got it. It doesn't have to form those beautiful strata and those grand Canyon walls over a billion years, sediment layer by sediment. God could've created the grand Canyon in an instant that way, because as an artist, he just thought it looked beautiful and wanted the guy in the Canyon to enjoy it. Does the age of the earth really matter. It didn't seem to matter to God for him picking up the writer of Genesis and carrying him along to answer the question. How did we get to here? And WHEN apparently God didn't think that that answer was very important.



What was important was this in the beginning, God created the heavens in the earth and it was good. Well, almost everything was dropped the mic. Good. There was one thing that was missing and we'll get to that in our next wordpicture.