July 1, 2021

151: Bible Questions - Introduction

151:  Bible Questions - Introduction

Bible Questions: Introduction. These are my student's (and listeners!) questions flowing out of the 150 episodes of the WordPictures overview of the Old and New Testaments. In Bible Question episodes, I "run a magnet" over the Bible" to see what I can pick up to at least partially answer the question. These answers are partial and imperfect, but at least give you a push as you seek your own answers to these questions.

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Bible Questions:  Answering my student's Bible Questions by dragging a magnet over Scripture

These are questions my students have after completing my Old and New Testament course.

I begin to answer them by "dragging a magnet" over the Bible, cover to cover to pick up bits and pieces of what I hope is a reasonable answer from Scripture.

Here are four things to remember as you listen to each of these episodes, 152 and following...

1.  It is best if you go through the WordPictures 150 episodes.  It gives the cover-to-cover story in a systematic way that will likely help you answer for YOURSELF these question.  Working through these episodes with answers is not a substitute for better understanding the cover-to-cover message of the Bible.

2.  This is not complete.  My magnet doesnt pick up everything, and neither will I as I run a magnet over Scripture.  But the good news is there are many websites and books that are a stronger magnet to go deeper on all these questions.

3.  Remember as you listen, Scripture is deep and difficult and all of us are like Pygmies finding an IPhone.  And, I see Scripture through lenses that often get it wrong.  So check out what you hear with others and with other resources.  I will do the best I can as a guide, but I am broken and the task is difficult.

4,  Unlike WordPictures which was systematic and each episode hooked together, these Bible Questions will be pretty random.  I will scratch where my students itch.  So the episodes like their questions will be all over the place.


151:  Bible Questions:  Introduction..

Welcome to WordPictures, Bible questions. I mentioned that at the end of episode, one 50, my students have a number of questions. When I get done with my cover to cover overview of the Bible. As I mentioned in several of those episodes, my hobby is woodworking. It's building stuff though. If you've been following the word pictures series, I'm not real great at fine carpentry. See episode 88. I'm a fast framer, but I'm not real careful. I get the project done quick, but clean up can be interesting. I leave nails all over. After replacing a number of tires on my truck.



I bought a handy tool off Craigslist. It's a 24 inch powerful magnet on wheels that magnet on wheels skims the ground. And as it does, it picks up metal. After I make a passer to around my project, I pulled the handle on this tool and it drops the metal on the ground in front of me. It's mostly nails, but I picked up some interesting things, screws, keys, that sort of thing. I do need to mention this powerful magnet. Doesn't get all the nails. I have a few tire repair receipts to prove it. Word pictures, that simple cover to cover overview of the Bible in plain words and word pictures was my major building project.



150 episodes worth after taking my students through that entire project. I asked them what questions they still have stuck in the further soul. I get some great ones. It's not that these students are slow. I mean, they're really sharp, but cut them some slack, 150 class periods over two years. That's a big project and a lot of stuff to remember in episodes, 1 52, and following word pictures, Bible questions I'm going to do for my students and anyone else who tags along. What I do when I frame buildings, I'm going to run a magnet over the Bible.



I'm going to pick up bits and pieces in the hundred and 50 episodes of word pictures or things we didn't cover in that simple overview. In each episode that follows. I'm going to address a question. It's me pulling the handle and dropping the bits and pieces from scripture in front of you. But before we do that, I want to make a couple of observations, work pictures, Bible questions is going to be like my magnet on wheels. It only picked up bits and pieces after my project was done. The main project is the first 150 episodes of word pictures. I can appreciate the 25 hours, those hundred and 50 podcast episodes take to listen to is a big investment of your time.



But from what my students report learning and from the podcast feedback, I think it's worth it. I'm going to urge you to consider listening to the entire 150 episodes at some point in time. And during these word pictures, Bible questions, I will refer back to those episodes. Often. Second, my magnet doesn't pick up everything and neither will I, as I run a magnet over the Bible in word pictures, Bible questions. If you want to go deeper, there are literally hundreds of websites. Call them more powerful magnets. Third, my magnet picks up strange things in episode seven, I told you about my being near-sighted that I have vision issues.



That's true. As your guide through these Bible questions, I need vision correction. I see many things wrong in episode eight, I suggested as students of the Bible, we're all Pygmies and God, and his revelation is an iPhone. So as I try and answer these questions stuck in the, for of my students, souls, remember this is difficult. It's very important that you use discernment that you visit with others about my conclusions, or reach out to other sources, to do more wrestling with what I suggest. And finally, my magnet doesn't pick up things in any particular order.



It's very random. It just picks up everything. So while the first 150 episodes of word pictures was a systematic cover to cover overview. Bible questions is going to be all over the place because my students questions are all over the place where they are itching. We will scratch. So what kind of questions do my students have that they would like me to roll my magnet over scripture. All man, there's some great ones. And we're going to look at the first one in our next WordPicture, Bible Questions.