People and churches fit into three groups -- pride, chide (that means to rebuke or scold), and guide.
God's pattern in creation is one man, one woman, glued together for life (Genesis 2). Jesus and Paul repeated this.
Since Genesis 3, mankind has gone off the rails in terms of God's pattern for marriage and for living well in general.
The three words the Old Testament uses to describe this are sin (to fall short of God's standard), trespass (to stray outside God's appointed boundaries, and wickedness (to twist God's intended purposes)
Chide Bible students and churches treat several passages in Scripture as strong rebukes toward same sex attraction and intimacy -- Genesis 19 and Romans 1 in particular. We look at how we need to see these passages in context.
In a number of places, the writers state that attitudes and actions that are non-sexual in nature are equally sin, trespass, and wickeness, as is opposite-sex attraction and intimacy not done according to God's created pattern.
Like all other areas we go outside God's intended purposes in this broken world, God intends to renew us as "new creations" and "new creatures" when we are redeemed by the blood of Jesus. That includes same sex attraction and intimacy as well as the multitude of attitudes and actions in each of us that fall shorts, strays outside the boundaries, twists God's purposes.
That redeeming should be done with other believers over the long haul as we love unconditionally and grew deeper in community
What the Bible says about same sex attraction and intimacy