March 15, 2022

173: Bible Questions: How will Jesus return?

173:  Bible Questions:  How will Jesus return?
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Will it be secretly or sensationally, and will it be once or twice (or not at all)?

How will Jesus return?
We're going to look at the Bible question. If Jesus literally returns to our planet, how will that return happen? First, let's look at a little background information. Daniel chapter seven is remarkable. We looked at that in episode 73. In one chapter, God gives Daniel the sweep of human history from his time until the end of time near the end of that vision. Daniel sees a figure approaching God. The father first 13 says this and behold with the clouds of heaven, there came one like the son of man. And he came to the ancient of days and was presented before him and to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom and all peoples nations and languages should serve him.
His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away that along with many other passages in the old Testament is describing a coming anointed one, a Messiah. We learned a descendant of David and much more than that in Matthew 24, just prior to his death, Jesus answers a question of his disciples. What will be the sign of your coming to do that? Eternal rule, all power and dominion thing. Jesus responds with a number of signs. You should listen to episode one 10 things to look for prior to his return. He finishes it by saying, and you will see the son of man sitting at the right hand of God and coming on the clouds of heaven.
That's right out of Daniel seven, a few days later recorded by Matthew. In chapter 26, Jesus is arrested and put on trial by the religious leaders in the middle of the night in a kangaroo court. We looked at this in episode one 14 when they can't get witnesses to convict Jesus, they put him under oath, swear to us. Are you, or are you not the Messiah? Jesus replies. I am. And you shall see the son of man sitting at the right hand of power and coming with the clouds of heaven. Notice you shall see and notice how coming with the clouds of heaven. We learned in episode 84, Jesus first coming to our planet was shockingly understated to a poor teenage couple in an out of the way, Bethlehem stable.
We also learned in episode 1 72, there is strong reason to believe Jesus will come back to do that eternal king thing. But this time it won't be understated at all. How will Jesus returned to our planet? Let's take a look. If you're prone to roll your eyes. The apostle Peter predicted this, he said in the last days, scoffers will come asking, where is the sign of his coming? And let's cut them some slack. It's been 20 centuries. We'll come back to Peter's answer in a little bit. The return of Jesus to our planet is a hot topic. If you look up on Wikipedia dates, people said, Jesus will return.
You're going to get quite a list for two millennia. People have claimed dates. This is interesting because Jesus himself states not even. I know when I will return only the father. Some of the dates on that list are 1914, October 1st, 1914, to be exact. When I was at twenty-something the year 1988 was a hot topic. Where did they come up with this date? They took the time Israel became a nation 1948 and added Jesus' words about this generation will not pass away before the son of man comes. They figured the typical generation was 40 years.
Do the math 1948 plus 40. They were sure Jesus was returning in 1988. Then there was Y2K pointing to Peter's words to God. A day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day. And then stating Jesus was raised early on the third day. They figured the dawning of the third millennium would clearly be the time Jesus returned. You see what they did there, but why two K came and left and no return of Jesus. Then there was December 21st, 2012, the sudden and mysterious end of the Mayan calendar. It's really worth a look on Wikipedia.
Some will amuse you, but there's a sinister impact from all those failed promised returns of Jesus. I would refer you to the children's story. The little boy who cried Wolf, that could be part of the reason why in the last days, scoffers will mock, where is this sign of his coming in our last Bible questions? Episode 1 72, I gave three fairly compelling reasons why Jesus needs to physically return to planet earth. I'll be quick to add. There are good people, godly people, people trying to honor the biblical texts who believe Jesus is here through individual Christians and the church.
And there's no need for him to physically return to our planet. I'd suggest you listen to that episode and do your own study. This position really does require stretching of a lot of biblical texts. If you're wondering about the question, when will Jesus return, I encourage you to listen to episode one 10, the signs he gave prior to his coming in this Bible questions. We're going to look at the, how will Jesus return both mark and Matthew give us much help here directly out of the mouth of Jesus in Matthew 24, Jesus states. If you hear that I've come that I'm out in the wilderness or in that room over there, forget it.
There's going to be nothing secret about my return, mark ads. Some people will come claiming to be Jesus and do false signs and wonders some of these so charismatic and powerful that mark says it could almost lead. God's people astray. That should be a warning. It's at this point in my class, I asked the students, if they know how the FBI trains their agents to spot counterfeit bills, they spend no time looking at counterfeits. They master the original bills, how they look, feel fold and even smell. That's the key to spotting a false Christ.
Jesus said here's a better metaphor. Lightning as lightning flashes from the east to the west. So shall the coming of the son of man be Jesus, then talks about cosmic signs with the sun, moon and stars. Some people believe he was being literal. That there'll be changes in the heavens. Others believe it's figurative. Those are symbols of cataclysmic events on our planet, both Matthew and mark, then say, Jesus said, you shall see the son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. You shall see Matthew adds there'll be a trumpet call gathering his people from everywhere.
Think old Testament Ram's horn, maybe. Well, that sounds like we should see Jesus return coming, but Jesus tells us that's not exactly the way it will happen for some Jesus then refers to the time of Noah. As an illustration. Jesus said at the time of the flood, people were eating, drinking, marrying, and giving in marriage. Though. Noah had been building this massive boat and preaching the coming judgment of God in a flood. Nobody seemed to expect it in Peter's words, they likely marked where's the sign of this flood you said was coming.
I then give my students the famous illustration of the frog in the kettle. If you toss a frog into a pan of hot water, it will immediately jump out. But if you put it into a pan of lukewarm water and you slowly add heat, the frog's body will adjust and eventually it can't jump out. It will pass out and cook. I've heard urban legends about hot tub, thermostats sticking and people cooking in their tubs. Jesus tells his disciples for some I'll come like a thief in the night. Not necessarily at night, but when you're not suspecting it, then Jesus adds be watchful.
The son of man may come when you don't expect it odd, isn't it unmistakable signs. We should be ready for his coming yet caught unprepared. Jesus then gives several to hammer. Home is point the parable of a person put in charge of a master's house, getting slothful until the master comes unexpectedly, 10 virgins waiting for the bridegroom, but five of them not prepared for his sudden coming three servants, given various levels of money, asked to invest them until the masters return to investing and the other not investing at all likely believing his master would never return.
That's what Jesus has to say in the gospels about how he will return in the letters of the new Testament. We get an additional Jim from the apostle Paul in the first letter to the Thessaloniki, Paul planted this church on the second missionary journey. We looked at that in episode one 30. He was only there for three weeks to lead them to faith and to begin to ground them as followers of Jesus. Shortly after he left, they had a big problem. Paula told them the Jesus who died for their sins and was raised. And then 40 days later, ascended to heaven was going to return, but they were troubled. They were wondering when Jesus returns, what about our loved ones who went all in on Jesus, but are already dead to answer this question.
Paul carried along by the holy spirit, writes this brothers. We do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep or to grieve like the rest of men who have no hope. We believe that Jesus died and rose again. And so we believe that God will bring with Jesus. Those who have fallen asleep in him, Paul saying, stop biting your nails. Those who've died. Trusting in Christ are in great shape. Jesus is going to bring them to God. How Paul continues. According to the Lord's own word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord.
Did you catch that? We'll certainly not proceed. Those who fallen asleep. And then Paul talks about how he will return for the dead and the living for the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a loud command, with the voice of the Archangel and with the trumpet call of God and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage each other. With these words, let's break that down for the Lord himself.
His return will be personal. Paul makes it emphatic that Jesus will come. He'll come down from heaven. His return will be visible if you combine this with acts one 11, where the angel said to the gawking observers that Jesus Ascension this same, Jesus will come back in the same way. You have seen him go into heaven. Add to this Jesus' statement in Matthew 24 to his disciples, they will see the son of man coming on the clouds. And it seems pretty clear. The return of Jesus is not something that will be easily missed. This visible return of Jesus is important. For example, the Jehovah witnesses claim that Jesus returned as an invisible influence to reign over the earth on that date.
I mentioned October 1st, 1914. The next statement Paul makes is it will be with a loud command with the voice of the Archangel and with the trumpet call of God. His return will be incredible in scripture. Aloud command is normally a call to battle. The trumpet call is the show far a Ram's horn summoning. The people to a solemn assembly. Paul continues and the dead in Christ will rise. First. His return will be powerful, so powerful that all the bodies of those who've died in Christ will be raised from the graves where they've been buried or where their dust has been scattered.
Let's summarize. It will be personal, visible, incredible, unexpected, and powerful. What happens to those who are alive when Christ returns, after that, Paul writes we who are alive and are left, will be caught up together with him in the clouds. After that, what the, that is the event in the previous sentence, the raising of those who've died in Christ. The word caught up is the word, which is translated into the English word. Rapture. Why are living believers caught up when Jesus returns, Paul writes to meet the Lord in the air. The word used here for meat is only used three other verses in the Bible, Matthew 25, 1 and six, and acts 28 15 in Matthew 25.
It's used to describe bridesmaids coming out to meet the bridegroom in acts 28. It's used to describe a small welcoming party coming out of Rome to meet Paul on his journey to Rome. Now, please note, in the case of the bridesmaids, they proceeded back to the wedding reception with the groom. In the case of Paul's welcoming party, they proceeded back to Rome with Paul. The normal interpretation of this verse would suggest that those who are living are quote, caught up on quote, to meet the Lord in the air in order to return back to the earth with him. Why is this an important distinction? Well, here's why in the past 150 years, a strong branch of Christianity has embraced the teaching called the pre tribulation rapture of the church.
I grew up in that school of thought using the first Thessalonians four texts, to be fair, there are several others. They suggest that Jesus before a great tribulation to secretly raise those who have died in Christ and catch away living believers to spare them from the tribulation and to remove the godly influence. So evil can run a muck. They believe that at the end of the tribulation, Jesus will return all the way to earth with believers to clean up on Satan and establish his kingdom. In other words, Jesus actually returns two more times first coming for believers to catch them away.
And later coming with believers to judge Satan and sin and establish his kingdom. In this view, the imminent return of Christ is stressed. The secret coming of Jesus could happen at any moment. Now, a full discussion of the Bible question, will there be a rapture, a coming for before a coming with really probably needs its own Bible question. And frankly, I'm not sure you're going to get a real clear answer. I suggest to my students, if you're the generation alive, when Christ returns, why not be prepared to suffer rather than be zoomed out of here before it gets too bad.
And if there is a rapture, Hey, that's a win. Here's what I believe is clear. Jesus is returning personally, visibly sensationally and powerfully to raise us or catch us up. Some people will see it coming and others won't have a clue. I end by going back to Peter, that comment, where's the sign of his coming? Why is it taking so long? Peter answers it two ways. First God's outside of time. He's not biting his nails over time. Like we do a data guide is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day. But then Peter adds one more reason. It's God's will that none should perish, but that everyone should have an opportunity to come to eternal life.
What's taking him so long. Maybe he's waiting for someone listening to this to hear the gospel. The second to last verse of the Bible says this Jesus states, surely I am coming soon. And John, the writer says, amen, come Lord Jesus.