Nov. 14, 2020

2 Beginner Bible course: Inspiration -- How the Bible says we got the Bible

2   Beginner Bible course:  Inspiration -- How the Bible says we got the Bible

Inspoiration, the mechanics of how we got the Bible, was it written by God or by human writers?

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How God carried human writers along as they wrote it


EPISODE 2  The simple Bible overview of…DID THE BIBLE JUST DROP OUT OF HEAVEN?

How did we get this unique religious book? The Bible did God just Drop it out. And Heaven not exactly the Bible's answer itself is both God and human writers wrote it. I think this word picture could help. I grew up on a river and I love tubing. Every time I go tubing with a group, it always happens. Somebody in the group is a racer. This person's only goal is to get to the destination point fastest in the group. There's often a couch potato, or maybe I should say a tube potato, he or she basically just lays there and bakes occasionally flipping over to bake on the other side.



Then there's an Explorer in the group. Their goal is to explore the bottom and every tributary they can find, then there's the water park ride. People spinning in circles and hitting every Rapids over and over and over. Here's the deal. When YouTube in a group, they're different strokes for different folks, but they all end up at the destination point. That's the best way I can describe how the Bible describes. We've got the Bible. There are two main passages that described the mechanics. If you'd like the big, fancy word, inspiration of scripture, the first is found in the second letter of Peter at the back of your Bible.



It says no scripture, stop a moment. Scriptures, a synonym for the Bible or God's word. No scripture is of human origin, but Holy men of God were carried along by the Holy spirit as they wrote there it is folks that's tubing. According to the scripture, God picked up human writers like water under an inner tube and carried them along like current under that tube. So that the destination they reached was what God wanted them to write. You say, but those are human writers. Mistakes would come in error, two areas, human.



Well, we need to look at the second passage to see if that's actually true. That second passage is also found at the back of your Bible. In the second letter of Timothy here, Timothy REITs, all scripture. There's our word. Again, all scripture is God-breathed and is profitable. It gets us to the destination point. God wants that's. My paraphrase. All scripture is God breathed. God carried these human writers by his spirit, like tubers to a destination so that when they arrived and finished what they wrote in their own words and their own styles, God could say, that's like me breathing those words out.



So when you read second, Peter, you can close your eyes according to the scriptural testimony. And you can imagine the breadth of God in your face, speaking it out of his own mouth. You say that's very hard to get my arms around. Yes, it is difficult. But when we look at the pages of scripture, we see very different styles in the scriptures. We see as much diversity as I see when I watch a group of tubers go down the river, we've got racers in scripture, like the gospel writer, Mark. He can't wait to get to the finish line. We've got couch potatoes, or should I say two potatoes?



Who slowly get there using simple language? God does not dictate most of the Bible though. As we'll see, there are a few places he told the human writers, keep your mouth shut and your ears open and write this down. But in most cases, God shaped the personality, heart and ability of a human writer. Pick them up like water under a tube and carried them to a destination point using their own style so that what they ended up writing, God could say, that's my breath. So some of you might be thinking, okay, I'm going to grant you that the Bible is a unique book, utterly unique.



And I'm even going to grant you that God carried human writers along so that what they wrote was what God intended to communicate. But there's a problem we don't have. The original copy is of these books for centuries. We had to hand copy these documents over and over again. And during that copying, didn't a ton of errors, discrepancies, additions, and deletions occur. I hope to answer that concern about its preservation in our next wordpicture.