Nov. 22, 2020

20. Beginner Bible Course: The sin of Adam and Eve Pt. 3 (the consequences)

20.  Beginner Bible Course:  The sin of Adam and Eve Pt. 3  (the consequences)
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Genesis 3 -- The Bible's answer to where our broken lives and world came from



Growing up, my brothers and I did more than just build towers with Domino's. We made domino chains. I trust you've done the same. If you haven't YouTube domino chains in case you haven't seen it, you stand Domino's on their end next to each other so that if you tip one, it tips the next, which tips. The next, if you're interested, the world record is 76,011 dominoes placed in a chain and knocked over consecutively in one push. The last half of Genesis three reminds me of a domino chain with the deceivers help Adam and Eve. Our first parents gave the first domino of push the chain of events that followed can only be described as tragic.



The text says that their eyes were opened. Shamed, descended, realizing they were naked. They covered themselves up. Then hid from God and fear. We've learned. God's intent was I'll be your guide. You'll be my people. And we'll be together. The text tells us God's side, his companion Adam out. Where are you? Adam it's surprising. He didn't say, come out,



Come out from wherever you are for God knew he was



Adam replied. I heard you. So I hid. I was afraid because I was naked. Shame covering up, hiding fear. Watch the dominoes fall. God gives Adam a chance to confess Adam waffles. When my students read this first, they almost always read it like this. Yes, but it was the woman you gave me who gave me the fruit and I ate it. I usually stop them and say, that's one possibility, but there's another possibility. What if you read it this way, the woman you gave me, she brought me the fruit and I ate it in the first Adam passes the buck to Eve in the second to God.



Either way, the domino is to begin to blame giving Eve chance to confess God asks, how could you do such a thing? She too passes the buck. The serpent tricked me. That's why I ate it. She blames the crafty creature or perhaps the creator behind it. God turns toward the serpent, looks straight through this creature and addresses the one in dwelling him it's found in Genesis three 15. We're going to talk about that in our next podcast. But unfortunately the dominoes keep falling. God tells Eve being a mom will be no picnic. Childbirth will be painful, exponentially painful.



And she will soon discover raising cane will be no picnic. Either. God says your desire will be for your husband. And he will rule over you logically. There was plenty of affectionate desire there already. They were lovers in paradise. Perhaps God was saying she would desire something that belonged to her husband. But the second part of that phrase is pretty clear. No longer your partner he'll become a ruler. I believe it's safe to say from this moment on in history, women have been treated very badly, generally smaller and weaker than her male counterpart. It's not gone well for her.



When mankind has strayed outside the lanes that God had laid down, God addresses the last dominoes to fall to Adam. You'll eat out a living in a grinding life until you die. Creation itself is going to fight you all the way God says, even my world around you will be crushed by this action. And how can we expect anything different? When a person made in God's image with intellect in a will chooses to use those characteristics, to deny that there is a God or that that God is good. And to stray outside of his prescribed lanes, how could that not impact the world around him?



God continues all your life. You will sweat to produce food until your dying day. And then you'll return to the ground from which you came for you or made from dust. And to dust, you will return death. That's a domino that fell created to live forever by an eternal God man's body will decay and eventually die. The text tells us to cover their nakedness. God made clothing for Adam and Eve to replace the clothing they'd made out of fig leaves. The text tells us the garments were made out of leather. I asked my students where leather comes from the answer from the skin of animals.



I then asked, where do you think God got that skin? Some students suggest he made it out of nothing. He'd done that before, but there's another possibility. I would say a likelihood, God slayed. One of the animals he created maybe a sheep. Imagine the God of the living who created these creatures sacrificing one of them to cover for the sin of another one of his creatures. If you're familiar with The Bible that sounds shockingly familiar. And so the dominoes fall. What a far cry from God's plan. I'll be your God. You'll be my people we'll be together, but God had a backup plan.



We get it in Genesis three 15. Oh my, the first promise of scripture. And we'll study that in our next wordpicture.