Nov. 24, 2020

22. Beginner Bible Course: Between the Garden of Eden and the Flood - how low can we really go?

22. Beginner Bible Course: Between the Garden of Eden and the Flood - how low can we really go?
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Genesis 4-5 - Mankind's descent into sin and chaos after Eden


EPISODE 22:  The simple Bible overview of…ADAM TO NOAH, HOW LOW CAN WE REALLY GO?

I'm assuming you've all done the limbo, whether it rollerskating right...



...Or a party, you've never done it. Like Shameeka Jones though. She's called Buffalo's limbo queen. I watched her this morning on YouTube go under a bar that was less than 12 inches tall. It was almost grotesque. What's even more amazing is she limboed under a car. Imagine that we're not talking to jacked up monster truck. We're talking in a car less than 12 inches off the ground. I don't know how low you can go, but you can't go as low as Shemeka that's for sure. The limbo, how low can you go? Pretty much describes Genesis four and five kicked out of the garden. Adam and Eve start their family. They have a little boy came and followed shortly thereafter by Abel.



The text tells us Cain became a farmer and Abel a shepherd there must've been a behind the scene conversation between God in these brothers about what God expected from sinful kids kicked out of the garden. It tells us both boys brought an offering to God. Cain brought his best produce. I imagine beef steak tomatoes. Abel brought a couple little Lammy, loves from his flock. God gave a thumbs up to April and a thumbs down to Kane. Kane got mad and jealous and killed his brother. How low can you go? God now has a choice. He can either bring the stumper. I told you I was going to use that term through murderer cane or give Adam and Eve another baby.



He chooses the second option and gives them a little boy, Seth, since I'm on the subject of Adam and Eve's family, some people ask where did Cain get his wife? The answer's pretty simple. His sister, for whatever reason, we're not told about Adam and Eve's other kids. They were told to be fruitful and multiply Cain, married to one of his sisters, my students. And I have a discussion about why that seems weird. We talk about the genetic factor and also how weird family reunions would be since creepiness has crept into human nature, but back to our limbo story. Kane's great. Great grandson lemek has mentioned lame-duck brags with swagger about killing a boy.



It also mentions lame-duck had two wives. Remember one man, one woman glued together for life. How low can you go? God realizing the snowball effect of sin that once a sinful life gets rolling, there's no telling how big it can get decides to cap the lifespan of man at 120, since we're talking about lifespan of man, there's another little thing that annoys skeptics of the Bible in Genesis chapter five, it's the lifespan of those old geezers before the flood. It States that many of them lived at least 900 years that would make most Bible skeptics roll their eyes.



I told my students that some people trying to protect the integrity of the Bible suggests that the scribes accidentally added zero to those ages. I asked them, look at the text and tell me what's wrong with that argument. They scan for 10 or 15 seconds and then hand shoot up. Mr. Nelson. There's a problem. Some of them had babies at 65. So if they added a zero, they were pregnant in first grade. Then I asked them is a plausible people before the flood back near creation could have a lifespan 10 times longer than we do today. These kids really are sharp. Some say, well, since disease entered in Genesis three, it hasn't had a lot of time to take effect.



That's really good. Isn't it? The snowball effect works for disease as well. I give them another possibility related to the flood and it's after effects, which I may or may not talk about in our next episode. The bigger issue comes when God says, by the time we get to chapter six, God makes a statement about his creatures on planet earth. It's pretty crazy ready for it. God says every inclination of their heart is only evil all the time. How low can you go? Think about that? That may not have been hyperbole. Can you imagine a world like that? Would that not be hell on earth?



I'm reminded of a toy I had when I was a kid, it was a 10 inch square device with two knobs at the bottom called an Etch-a-Sketch. I guess they're around here today though. They probably gone digital uncoordinated. I could never turn those two knobs in the right way to draw anything. Well, thankfully that Etch-a-Sketch had to build any racer. You turn the thing upside down and shake it. The gray stuff would fall back on the screen and you get to start over. We'll find in the text that that's what God wanted to do, shake it and start all over. But there was a problem he'd made a promise. A descendant of Eve through the line of Seth would bring the stumper.



And so God looked down into this dark limbo world and found a descendant of Seth. His name was Noah. The text says, but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord, grace, one of the most amazing and important words in all of the Bible. What does grace mean? And what does it look like? Flowing out of the heart of God. We'll discover that in the next wordpicture.