Nov. 24, 2020

23. Beginner Bible Course: The story of Noah and the flood

23. Beginner Bible Course: The story of Noah and the flood
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Genesis 6-8 - How a holy God judges sin, and a faithful God keeps His promise


EPISODE 23  The simple Bible overview of…NOAH AND THE FLOOD

My kids would say daddy's a pretty gentle guy, but there have been exceptions. One of the most memorable exceptions was when I had three children, ages eight, six, and two. It was about five in the afternoon in those three. Well, they were encourageable. I mean, it was bad. They were brats. And I don't mean maybe I did what I had never done before, and I'm not sure I've done. Since I sternly told him to get their little heinies to their room and they wouldn't have supper, like terrified whip puppies. They ran upstairs to their room. About an hour later, I knocked on each of their doors. They were terrified.



Could you guys come out into the hall for a minute there in the hall, I'd spread down a checkered tablecloth and I'd ordered from little Caesars pizza, bread, sticks, and soda there in the upstairs hallway, outside of their rooms, we had a pizza party in the hall. I told them there was nothing they could ever do that would make me stop loving them. And I meant it. A daddy showing favor on incorrigible, little brats that grace Genesis six says Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. As we'll see Noah was far from a perfect guy, but he was a splash of integrity and assess pool world.



If there was a top five for Bible children's stories, I'm thinking no in the flood would make the list, but stay with me. I'm going to walk you through this event. One more time. Maybe a couple things will jump out at, you know, is a descendant of shim. That's important. Remember the stopper was to come through. Sham God was fed up with the world. God realized that men had reached the point of no return coming up with a way to save Noah and keeping his promise. He could shake the Etch-a-Sketch upside down and start over. He asked know to build a coffin. I know a boat, but it was a coffin on steroids for 150 feet long, 75 feet wide, 45 feet high with three decks.



That's a football field and a half long. And about as wide as a basketball court with bleachers and five stories tall, he's building this boat where there's no water for a natural event. That's never occurred. The text tells us that it had never rained on the earth. God watered the earth with do it's one thing to spend a hundred years building a ship in the middle of the wilderness. It's a whole nother thing. When the purpose is to protect you from something that no one's ever heard of. I tell my students, it'd be a bit like this. I walk into the class in the morning and say, students, I need you to listen to me. I've got insight information. It's going to enable a schmoozer.



Yeah. I get the same reaction for my students. I continue students. <inaudible> our mini van size globs of ultraviolet. Radiation is going to fall in the earth. The only way we can be spared is to hide in an igloo, made out of a red and yellow. You can't believe the looks I get from students. When I finished, then I tell them that's what God asked of Noah is going to enable Schmoe. So build an igloo yet. Noah kept swinging his hammer. The text tells us in due time, God causes a parade of non aquatic animals to enter the Ark. It says, according to their kind, some skeptic scarf, how on earth would you ever get all the different kinds of animals on the Ark?



Well, first of all, that dude was big. Google. How many railroad cars are in a 450 by 75 by 45 foot boat. But second of all, it was pairs. According to their kind, this only requires one pair of canines, one pair of felines lines, et cetera. On the Ark. God tells Noah and his family to enter the Ark. And then God shuts the door. The sky is open from above and the ground below. This was like a Whirlpool bath filling up for 40 days. The faucets were opened. People ask, was this flood universal? Or was it just local?



We've already read where mankind started in the garden of Eden. And when we get to chapter 11, we'll find out they're still there huddled together, refusing to spread out. So mankind could have just been located in the Mesopotamia area. Could it have been local, could got a piled the water up in walls, just locally where mankind was living. We'll see God piled water up in walls. And several other instances, it could also have been universal. It's interesting that the Bible is not the only account of the flood. You can Google that too. The text tells us all of the mountains under heaven were completely covered. That suggests it was universal.



And yes, I know that's a lot of water. People who advocate for the earth being very young point to the flood and say that guy standing in the grand Canyon, looking at the strata and the walls. Those could of been put there by an event like the flood laying down sediment quickly. They add to that the fossil record sea creatures like fish had been found in places they don't belong. Plus fossils can only occur if something dies suddenly and is buried deeply with lots of pressure, like could happen in a worldwide flood. What the text does tell us it was massive and lasted a long time over a year in all living non aquatic creatures that were not on the arc where the flood occurred.



Perished the Ark finally came to rest shortly after that Noah and his family come out, Noah and his family came out the door to see God's, Etch-a-Sketch a new world in the moisture pack sky. They see the rainbow. God says, Noah look at that. Well, how could he not Noah? That's a sign that I'll never again, destroy all living things. Even though I know they're bent toward evil from their childhood. Well, that's not very encouraging. God saying the edge of sketch is going to get messy again. After God's gracious salvation of Noah and his family on the Ark, would they really be encourageable little brats again, we'll find the answer to that question and our next wordpicture.