Dec. 5, 2020

36. Beginner Bible Course: The Passover and Israel delivered from Egypt

36.  Beginner Bible Course: The Passover and Israel delivered from Egypt
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Exodus 11-15 - God delivers the baby nation of Israel



On September 28, 1789...



... George Washington proclaimed our first national holiday. He pronounced it a day of public Thanksgiving. That's how it's written public with the K Thanksgiving. No, G personally, it's my favorite holiday. I'm sure you have your family traditions, some eat in the middle of the day. Others at night, some families rotate homes for others. It's always at grandma's house. For most of us. There's a few essential menu items and wrapped around it. Our family, favorite side dishes, some families go on to football, binge others, play games, others, dream of black, Friday shopping and some sleep. Most of the rest of the day away in a food coma in Exodus, chapter 12, God proclaims Israel S first national holiday it to as a day of public Thanksgiving, George Washington didn't give me any guidelines other than a thankful heart, but God lays down specifically for how to keep this first national Israel holiday.



He starts with the win. This is to be done in the first month of the year. In fact, God switches the calendar and makes this month, the first month he goes on to command. This holiday has to be kept every year forever God States. The meal is to start in the evening. In fact, I'd like you to stay up all night. God then moves on to the, where it should be celebrated. He doesn't say which family home. He just says, stay in the home. Don't scatter out into the yard, stay under your roof, which moves us to God's who, who should celebrate this first national Israel holiday. The answer was your family.



God defines that as those who followed his command you're circumcised males in their loved ones. God also invites them to invite those outside their immediate family who are also God's people, circumcised, males, and they're family and friends fill the house. God says, but fill it only with those. Who've been obedient to my command, that the males be circumcised along with their loved ones and friends God moves on to the menu. What will you eat? There are only a few essentials, no side dishes. The first is the meat goat or lamb, and not just any goat or lamb, a one-year old unblemished, male served whole roasted, not boiled God has more fussy with the recipe, gives them great grandma about her favorite dish.



God goes on to state. Those inevitable innards are to be cremated over that same fire. And the meat is to be consumed completely, no leftovers and God ads don't break any of the animals bones. There are only two side dishes, unleavened that is unwritten bread and bitter herbs. That's it, nothing more, nothing less God then moves on to how it has to be eaten, to summarize Wolf it down. Like you're ready to run out the front door. All participants wear to be fully dressed as if ready to head out the door for the day old men, where to sit with their walking sticks in hand and everyone was the scarf it down.



God then move to the why. Why would he come in their first holiday meal to be eating in the house in haste with these items every year as a nation. God answers that by saying, when you do this in the future and your children asked, why do we do what we do on this national holiday? You'll tell them the story. The first national holiday was a remembrance and celebration of what happens in Exodus chapters, 13 and 14, the 10th contraction, the 10th plague on Israel the contraction that caused Pharaoh and the Egyptians to push the Hebrews out and give them life as a baby nation.



Israel here's what happened. God told Moses I'm going to strike the first born of animals in men and Egypt. No home will be spared, whether Pharaoh's home or the home of a slave or prisoner on this night, while my people assemble to eat this meal in haste and keep watch, I will send my angel through Egypt and strike down the firstborn. God continues. Are you listening? Moses? I will pass over any house who obeys this command. Take some of the blood from that one year old unblemished goat or lamb, you're preparing and spread it over to the door of your house. And on the post. When I send my angel of death over the homes of Egypt, I will see the blood over your door and on your posts, then pass over your home.



And that's precisely what God did. Whaling erupted in Egypt, firstborn sons of man and beast laid dead everywhere. I ask the boys in my class, how many of you, our first born and your family hands will raise. Then I ask the whole class, how many of your fathers were the first born? More hands will raise. Then I asked how many of your grandpas were the first born son? Nearly all hands are raised. I'll throw in is your male pet by any chance, a firstborn and the litter, but in those homes in Goshen where the blood was over in the door and on the Post's, the angel of death passed over and all firstborns were spared.



Pharaoh, summons, Moses and Aaron to his palace and says, get out now you and all your people go. And they do after eating this meal and haste and sitting fully dressed in their homes with their stabs in their hand, Moses command to leave, get out now echos through Goshen in the chaotic night that followed God's people throw whatever they can onto carts donkeys, and even into their aprons and head out into the dark Egyptian night. Pause to imagine the chaos, the text tells us that among them were a gypsy ones who believed in the God of Israel, also on their camels and in their carts where many possessions of the Egyptians, for those of you who may be troubled by that, God's people borrowing things they never intended to return.



Remember for at least the century they've been severely abused as slaves. God was providing a way for some of that compensation to be returned for the things they would need in the desert. They come to a fork in the road and instead of going left the direct route to Canaan through Philistine land, God directs them to the right road, South and East towards the red sea in the wilderness. These are children and slaves who know nothing about defending themselves. If they come face-to-face with the tough Philistines, they'll turn back and go back to the room of Egypt. You probably know what happens next. Pharaoh, perhaps looking at his own dead son and hearing the wailing of Egypt has his heart hardened still further in him.



What have we done? Letting our slaves go. That may have been a cover for me. I will extract my revenge on the Hebrews. He assembled 600 tanks chariots in his finest footmen and goes in hot pursuit down in the right fork in the road toward the red sea and wilderness camp against the red. See the Israelites are trapped, but God throws down a roadblock, a massive cloud that comes between the camp of Israel and the pursuing Egypt army. The text tells us on one side of the cloud, it was light toward Israel's camp. And on the other side of the cloud darkness, towards the Egyptians there at the red sea, in the middle of the night, the Israelites attack, Moses we're dead.



You've brought us into the wilderness to die. Weren't there enough graves in Egypt to bury us prompted by God Moses. The midwife tells the Israelites stand there and watch the salvation of God. A strong East wind begins to blow. And before the Israelites eyes God piles the red sea up into two water walls with the path going straight through. I love the Dreamworks recreation of this and animation walls of water with fish, shadows, swimming inside God then Lyfts the cloud and the frenzied blood thirsty of <inaudible> pursue them down the dry path through the sea. Now save on the other side, God prompts Moses to turn towards the sea and raises staff with the Egyptians all inside the sea path with Israel safely crossed God prompts, Moses to turn and raised the staff over the Seaway path, the sea walls on the Egyptians.



Imagine with me for just a moment, the scene, a host of stunned, Israelites watching the waters collapse, the Niagara falls times a hundred deafening sound of the deluge, and then complete quiet. Israel had been freed from oppressive slavery. God had made a way where there was no way they fell to their knees and on their faces. Before I am who I am the God who is and who delivers, then there's the lone voice joined by others, a song rising out of the baby nation. Israel. I will sing on to the Lord for. He has triumphed gloriously, the horse and rider thrown into the sea God's children begin to sing.



And that's why the first national holiday of Israel was proclaimed by God. When your children ask, what do all these things mean? The blood over the door, the way we eat, what we eat, who we eat with, tell them this story, remind them of what our powerful God did. The midwife Moses will now become the driver of the children of Israel on their journey to Sinai. You bet on family trips with children, right? If you have, you've got a good idea of what's coming in our next wordpicture.