Dec. 6, 2020

37. Beginner Bible Course: The Children of Israel's 3 month trip to Mt. Sinai

37.  Beginner Bible Course: The Children of Israel's 3 month trip to Mt. Sinai
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Exodus 16-19 -Whining, quarreling, and driving Moses to the brink



At the end of our last episode, we left a brand new baby nation. Israel on the West side of the red sea. Before we pick up the story, there's a couple of other important details to know. I spoke about all the things. The Israelites in haste carried out of Egypt, including things they borrowed from their Egyptian neighbors. But there was one thing they carried. I didn't mention it was a mummy, a mummy that had been put on hold for almost 400 years for this night that mummy was Joseph, the request he had made to his brothers. When God gives you the land, take me home was faithfully passed down through the generations. Another thing we didn't talk about is how many people left Egypt Exodus gives us the count.



There were 600,000 fighting men fighting. Men were generally those between the ages of 20 and 50 600,000 men between the ages of 20 and 50. We know 80 years earlier when Moses was born, Pharaoh was worried about the Egyptians becoming a minority. When you add old men, children and women, a conservative estimate would be four to 6 million. People think about that. The typical football stadium in America holds 60,006 million would be a hundred football stadiums, all being released at the same time into the parking lot. It's almost hard to fathom the logistics of moving them, feeding them, hydrating them and providing port-a-potties is mind-bending.



How was God going to take The Children of Israel this throng on a three month journey to Mount Sinai in chapter 16 of Exodus God reminds The Children of Israel of the edge pieces. We studied, save and behave. God had saved them out of Egypt and he expected them to behave on the journey through the desert. Can you imagine even a small family taking a three month trip together? What would kids be like on that journey? Imagine this question on the game, show family feud. The host asked something that would happen on a three month family trip. Go ahead. I'll give you two seconds to come up with your best answer.



I'll bet. It's. One of these survey says quarreling. Wining complaining about eating or drinking. Are we there yet? We get all the top answers in Exodus 16 through 19 Wining coralling complaining about being thirsty and hungry. The question are we there yet? And of course, Moses in the driver's seat at his wits and the Wining starts immediately. First that they're thirsty. God provides campsite Wells. And once when there is no, well, he has Moses strike the rock of Horeb and the pours out it must've been a river for 6 million thirsty people and their animals.



They complain about being hungry. Kids are always hungry. God has that arranged too. There's a white powder on the ground. The first morning they ask mana, which means what is that? The name sticks mana, what you want to call it? God instructs them to gather up a certain portion and bake it into cakes. We learned later it was a sweet Cracker animal crackers The Children of Israel ate animal crackers. God periodically brought them meat, such as quail delivered as it were to their tent. Flaps. God gave specific rules for how much to collect and a rule, not to collect anything on the seventh day, the Sabbath The Children of Israel didn't obey in chapter 18.



We see the kids quarreled. Oh my, how they quarreled Jethro Moses father in law comes to him in the wilderness. It must've been take your father-in-law to Workday. Jethro sat and watched Moses work. And was it a day from Dawn to dusk? He sat judging the quarrels of The Children of Israel Jethro takes them aside and coaches him you're burning out. Moses let go find some smart guys to help you. Let them take care of the petty fights between the children and you be the appeals court. You take care of the harder issues. That was a good word because men could The Children of Israel ever fight.



After three months they ask, are we there yet? And Moses and exasperated Moses says yes. Finally camping around the base of Mount Sinai. God speaks to Moses and says, prepare the children for a visit. Tell the kids to stay off the mountain, tell him to go wash up and tell them to get ready to pay attention. That's what The Children of Israel did. And on day three, something remarkable happened. An ear splitting trumpet blast sounds out in the heavens. Mount Sinai begins to smoke like a furnace claps of thunder erupt, and then God in the form of a fire descends on the mountain, God speaks to Moses, tell the people to stay off the mountain, but you come up here.



He'll be up there for 40 days. And when he descends the mountain, he'll be caring the family rules. And we'll talk about what happened in those family rules in our next wordpicture.