Dec. 14, 2020

53. Beginner Bible Course: The story of King David, Pt. 1

53.  Beginner Bible Course:  The story of King David, Pt. 1
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1 Samuel 16-31 - David, anointed, celebrated, and then on the run from King Saul


EPISODE 53  The simple Bible overview of…THE STORY OF KING DAVID PT 1

When King Saul...



...offered the sacrifice instead of waiting for Samuel, Samuel said God's going to go looking for King number to a man after his own heart. Then when Saul disobeyed God with the Amalekites spearing a gag in the best of the livestock, Samuel said, God has ripped the kingdom from you. God promptly sends Samuel to Judah, specifically to Bethlehem, to anoint the new King. That's where we pick up our story. Clearly that new King had to have two characteristics. He had to have a heart. God would love and a heart to obey God Samuel has sent to Bethlehem specifically to the house of Jesse. Jesse is Ruth and Boaz grandson.



This is a pretty big deal. When the prophet of Israel visits your home, he asked Jesse to line in the sun's up in front of him. Samuel looks at the firstborn. He's pretty sharp. Surely he's the one, but God speaks to Samuel. Nope. You're looking at the outside. I need a heart this time. I see the heart. None of these boys are the ones you got any more boys. Jesse. Jesse probably Snickers. Yeah, just the runt out. Watching the sheep, go get them. That runt is paraded in, in front of Samuel his name, as you may be already know is David Samuel looks on him. He's a good looking kid.



His eyes are striking and he has a ready appearance in Hebrew. That means reddish that could refer to his sun kissed skin, but it also could refer to his hair. He might've been a red head, a ginger Samuel annoyance young David the shepherd as the new King of Israel. I'm sure he instructed him to keep it quiet. The former King Saul is in kind of a foul mood right now. It also States the spirit came on young David David went back to tending sheep until he was summoned to SOLs camp. What was up had Saul found out he'd been anointed second. King not really.



He was told to bring his guitar. Well, it was a liar back then, but today we call it a guitar. Apparently out there in the wilderness, watching sheep with nothing to do this young artist picked up the guitar and man, could he play? He was renowned throughout the country. As that young shepherd guitarist of Judah, King solid fallen into one of his cell and moods. In fact, it was so dark. It said of him that an evil spirit had descended on him. The young ruddy shepherd artists was brought in front of him with his liar, with his guitar. He began to play and sing songs. He'd written in the wilderness. We're going to look at some of David songs in a few episodes.



Music come, the Savage beast saw Saul told him don't wander too far. I'll be calling for you. And I need you. Apparently David pop back and forth between Saul's camp and shepherding his sheep near Bethlehem. The Philistines flared up and Saul drafted three of his older brothers into the army. One day, Jessie told David get somebody else to watch the sheep and go check on your brothers at the front line. When David arrived Goliath, the Philistine giant had just come out for his morning. Taunt of Israel in there. God, David watched aghast that this uncircumcised thug to taunt the God of Israel and his army.



He asked his brothers what's up with this. His brothers didn't take too kindly to his question. Easy for you to say shepherd boy, you're not putting your life on the line. Saul here's these in the camp and summons his shepherd musician. It's here. David gives Saul a little more information. He's not only good with the guitar. He's really handy with a Slingshot, apparently in the wilderness with his sheep, he didn't just write songs and practices chords. He became a marksman and apparently quite a little warrior. He tells Saul, he's taken out predators on his sheep with his bare hands. He offers to go out and fight the Philistine Goliath. Some people rolled their eyes.



When they read the description of Goliath over nine feet tall. I don't have any problem with that. If you Google Eagar and tallest, man, his growth was stopped just under eight feet by the Mayo clinic. I've seen eager at the athletic club and he actually attended the school I teach at when he was being treated here at the clinic, he has gigantism a tumor on his pituitary gland. He would have kept growing if they hadn't stopped it, David dropping this giant with one stone from his Slingshot in the name of the God of Israel, clearly as the top 10 story of the old Testament. And yes, I am counting. I know I've used up at least four or five already. Now that barely known shepherd musician of Judah becomes vastly popular a rockstar.



He's the one, the lady sing Saul his lane has thousands, but David, his 10 thousands already solves musician. And now his military hero Saul has no choice, but to keep him in his court, it's here. He bonds with the era parent Saul son, Jonathan Saul starts thinking of ways to get rid of David by sending him into especially precarious situations or even by trying to trap him through romance with one of his daughters. Each time it backfires he's victorious in those situations in his daughters. Think he's amazing. One day on a specially foul mood Saul summons David to play for him in the court, somewhere in the middle of the song, Saul grabs his spear and tries to kill David across the room.



David ducks and ducks out. Believe it or not. This happens a second time. David realizes his concert series in front of Saul is over Saul son, Jonathan David's friends steps in to try and argue his case. Saul tries to kill Jonathan with a spear it's here. We find Jonathan and David out in the field saying goodbye to each other. It's clear. These two men are deeply bonded. When we fast forward to the second Samuel and David is lamenting the death of Jonathan. He says this, your love to meet Jonathan was more precious than the love of women. It shouldn't surprise us. Some people have concluded. This was a romantic love between these two men personally, I think that's off base.



Both these men were married and had kids David is clearly drawn to the ladies as we'll see shortly. But third, do you have a best same-sex friend, a soulmate, a buddy? I sure hope so. If you hadn't noticed men and women are extremely different. I urge my students to find the best friend and protect that friendship at all costs. May I put it this way? Adam didn't just need Eve. He needed a Steve, a soulmate buddy. Naomi needed her Ruth and we'll see others going forward in scripture who needed the same after parting from Jonathan David becomes the fugitive.



He'll spend the next decade anointed as King, but running from the murderous King Saul. He escapes to the village of NAHB there. He asked the priest for food and a weapon, a Himalayan, and the priest provides David in the few men with him food. The Himalayas said right there wrapped up in a blanket. It's the sword. And it's a dandy. It's the one you took off Goliath. When you cut off his head David leaves. But one of the men at the village at the time, it goes back to the Saul and reports that Saul summons a Himalayan and accuses him of aiding and abetting a trader, a fugitive Saul. Then dispatches man, to send a message to Israel.



This is what happens when you eight in the bed, the fugitive David. He murders everyone, men, women, and children in the village. David hears the news. He's deeply sorry that he caused the death of these priests. He owns it. Then he flees to the only place Saul doesn't dare come Philistine territory. They say, wait a minute, isn't this, the guy that cut down Goliath. And that the lady is of Israel, say he's slain his 10 thousands. That would be 10 thousands of us Philistines. So they descend on David here. David the shepherd artist shows another side of his talents acting. When they arrive, he acts completely Bismark drooling down his beard and banging his head against the wall.



During an intermission of his Bismarck act, David slips away and escapes to the wilderness. It's here. David started collecting men for his ragtag army. What a bunch of scallywags were told. They were people in debt, no goods, rejects and throwaways. At the end of David's life. He'll recount some of his men who became mighty men under David. These rejects became a fighting machine while Saul is chasing David David in his new men begin to guerrilla war on the Philistines. It's David and his men who are protecting the nation. Occasionally David and his men encounter Saul in his man out looking for him in one incident David in his men, hide at the back of a deep cave.



When Saul's men are approaching, Saul goes into this same cave to go to the bathroom deep in the back of the cave. One of David's men remind him. He is actually the anointed King. He may be reminds him how this murderous man has, has just wiped out a village of priests. He may have reminded David how Saul instead of fighting, the Philistines was chasing him like a dog. He says to David God has delivered him to you to take them out. David the warrior crawls through the cave and total silence. Having dropped his robe or hung it up to go to the bathroom. David cuts a small piece out of it with his knife. Then he elbows his way back to the back of the cave.



When Saul is finished, has left the cave and is a half a mile down the road with his man. David pops out of the opening and yells to him. King Saul check your robe. Here's the other piece I could have killed you in there, but I'm loyal to you. Your gods anointed Saul tormented heart softens. The men around him have witnessed David's kindness and loyalty. So Saul goes home. The text then tells us David's tender. Heart was troubled that he would even defile a piece of the King's robe, believing Saul softened, heart wouldn't last long David and his men go deeper into the wilderness to hide it's there that a man is introduced into our story.



Nabel he's a local landowner. His livestock is grazing all around where David and his men are camped out. David the shepherd tells his men keep your hands off. His livestock. We're told that day of the festival arrived and David couldn't provide for his 400 men. That's pretty embarrassing. So David does what many men have trouble doing? He asked for help. He sent men down to the Naval to ask if he would show a little kindness. If he'd share some of his excess Nabel insults them and calls them deadbeats. When the men arrived back a David he's humiliated and angry. He makes a vow in front of his men.



I promise you before nightfall not one, male will be left in that man's household. On this feast day, David was now hungry for revenge on his way down toward enables David is met by a young woman. She's on her way up with donkeys loaded with food for David and his men. She falls before David and begs him to reconsider. She apologizes for husband. Nabel this woman before him, Abigail stops David in his tracks. She says to David someday, you'll be King. You don't want this on your conscience or your record. He blesses her and he cancels the mission.



We're told Saul Scouts located where David in. His men were buried deeper in the wilderness. Saul comes again with a large army and David does the cave thing to Saul. The second time, this time Saul is sleeping outside. His soldiers surround them. And in concentric rings with him on the bulls-eye David in one of his men, tiptoe through all of the sleeping soldiers through the bullseye. This time he takes Saul's spear and canteen again from a Hill at a safe distance. He calls down to Saul and remind Saul. He could have killed him, but he's fiercely loyal to God's anointed the King again, Saul softens, but David is skeptical.



So he flees once again to Philistine territory. This time he's wiser. He wants to show the Philistines. He's tired of Saul in Israel and he's become a trader. So he makes raids on villages outside of the Philistine territory. He leaves no witnesses. When he comes back to the Philistines with the plunder, he lies that he's been in Israel territory, fighting battles for the Philistines. David is so convincing a Philistine mayor makes him his personal bodyguard. It's here. The David gets stuck between a rock and a hard place. The rock is this convinced Philistine leader who believes David is fiercely loyal.



The hard place is Saul and Jonathan in Israel who are farming for battle against the Philistines. This will be the battle where Saul in. His sons are killed on Mount Gilboa. The Philistine leader said, come, David go with me and to battle against the Israelites. David says, man, let's go. How's it going to get out of this one? But God steps in as they're forming for battle. Other Philistine leaders, see David they think this is a ruse. David's been pretending to be on their side so he can turn on the Philistines. When the battle gets fierce, they tell David's Philistine boss send him in his men home. We don't trust them. Instead of breathing a sigh of relief.



David the actor takes this very personally. When you read it, he's scary devious, but he sent back home to his town. Ziklag when he gets the Ziklag, the Amalekites have come and destroyed it and take in all the people David's wives and the wives and children of all his men, the men are devastated. They blame it on their leader. David and there's talk of stoning him. The text tells us, but David found strength in the Lord has God they rate and defeat them and get back everything back in Ziklag a messenger comes to David. He thinks he's got good news for David, but that's not the way David takes it.



We'll hear what that news is and how David the anointed shepherd musician warrior response in our wordpicture.