Dec. 15, 2020

54. Beginner Bible Course: The story of King David, Pt. 2

54. Beginner Bible Course: The story of King David, Pt. 2
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2 Samuel 1-1 Kings 2 - David's 40 year reign as Israel's 2nd king


EPISODE 54   The simple Bible overview of…THE STORY OF KING DAVID, PT. 2

We left off with David...



The Philistine territory, having just recovered is family and stuff. A messenger arrives from Mount Gilboa. The Battlefront with news for David Saul and Jonathan are dead. When David asked how he knows this, the young Amella kite says I finished him off. He was mortally wounded and begged me to end it. So I did here's some of his stuff and he pulls out trinkets off Saul's body. He was probably expecting the anointed King and waiting to give him a reward. How did you dare raise your hand against God's anointed and the man got the death penalty on the spot. David the musician then writes a song. How the mighty are fallen, lamenting both Saul and Jonathan.



You can understand his buddy, Jonathan, but murder is saw. You'd have thought he composed the celebration song for Saul, maybe ding dong the Rich's dead. He makes Israel learn the song and sing it regularly. You know, like happy birthday to you or their national Anthem with Saul dead David has made King over the tribe of Judah. Saul's surviving son. <inaudible> Sheth try saying that fast five times becomes King over the rest of the tribes. Thanks to one of salts generals Abner in chapter three ish. Bow shout is assassinated in his bed. The two men bring his head to David. They to think they'll get a reward.



They really don't know David do they? I imagine them pulling the head out of the basket going, Hey, David you're now head of the whole country. Get it. They were immediately terminated. David was made King and Judah at age 30. Now at age 37 he's King of the whole nation. One of his first actions was to find a permanent capital. Jerusalem was perfect. It was called <inaudible> because it was occupied by the Gebbie of sites. They thought the place was impenetrable. In fact, the taunted David's general Joe app from the wall, the blind and lame could defend this place. David instructed Joe AB go up the water tunnel and that's what they do.



And they take the city. David promptly makes Jay Boosie Jerusalem. His capital we're told he then began to build a lavish palace were also tilled. He multiplied wives and concubines. One of these wives was Abigail. The woman who stopped him in his rash vow for murdering Nabel Nabel died a few days after the incident with David with this palace built, David decided I need to bring the Ark to Jerusalem. So David arranged for a massive celebration. A parade parades need floats. So David built a special carte afloat to haul the AHRQ. The book of first Chronicles adds color commentary on just how amazing this parade was on their way back to Jerusalem.



The cart hit a very large pothole and the arc started to spill off the cart. One of David's prize men AZA grabbed it, of course, to keep it from falling. And God immediately struck him dead for touching the arc. You'll remember how the arc was supposed to be carried on poles by Levi's, but David thought a float would be a better idea. David was deeply upset perhaps with himself, perhaps with God, maybe a little of both to parade paused in David left the Ark right where it was awhile pass for David to calm down this time he carried it God's way. You'll read about David's actions. As the Ark enter Jerusalem, he was out among the common citizens, carrying on undignified, leaping and dancing and singing before the Ark representing the God of Israel.



First, Samuel chapter seven is another one of those double circle. Earmark pages of scripture. We're going to wait for that one and come back to it. And our next word picture in chapters eight through 10 David gets extremely powerful. He beats back the Philistines mops up on Moab and eat them and defeats the Eastern Kings all the way to the Euphrates. Then this statement is made about David. He reigned over all Israel and he was fair to everyone. Wow, that's quite a King. It also tells us he reached out to Saul's family, specifically to Jonathan's family. He finds out about <inaudible>. One of Jonathan's sons <inaudible> apparently was a paraplegic.



David brought him to Jerusalem. He adopted him as his son and Mephibosheth ate at his table. When we get to the end of chapter 10 David is one powerful ruler then comes to the crash. David goes Aiken member akin in Jericho Aiken saw coveted, took in head. And that's what David does at a time. When Kings go out to battle, David stayed back in Jerusalem. One day after a nap, he went up on the palace roof. Of course the King gets the highest Vista in town. David's Vista. Over-looked the rooftops of the houses below one afternoon. He looked down on those rooftops and spotted a beautiful woman.



The wife of one of his main warriors, Uriah, the Hittite. She was bathing on the roof, which was fairly a common practice. David commits a despicable act. He summons her to the palace. He sleeps with her and she becomes pregnant. We're not told if he took her or this was mutual, but the character of her husband Uriah would suggest this was a David problem. When David hears basher, Bez pregnant, he wants to hide it. So he brings you ride home from the front. He wines and Dines him and sends them home for a little RNR. But we're told Uriah would have none of it that night. He sleeps on the steps of the palace. He won't go home to his wife.



David here's the next morning he slept outside the palace calls back and says, what's up with you? Why didn't you go home to your wife? You arise or apply while the men of Israel are out there fighting, living in tents. I'm going to go home to bash Shabba you've got to be kidding me. Wow. What a man David keeps them for another night and liqueurs them up. Even more. He sleeps outside the palace. He refuses to go home. David sends him back to the front, carrying his own death orders. David instructs, Joanne to put them in the harshest fighting and then withdraw, leaving him exposed. That's exactly what Joe app does. And he sends a message back to David Uriah.



The Hittite is dead. David takes the widow bash to be on his wife. She's already showing two trimesters later. She gives birth, having saw coveted and took David. Now hides. That is until the prophet. Nathan comes to him with a little story, a parable about a poor man with a sheep. I'll let you read it for yourself. It is a dandy. He sneaks in on David's blind side and nails him to the wall. Your, the man. Now, if this had been saw, Nathan would have gotten a spear through his chest, but not with David. David owns it. You'll read about it in one of the David songs. He writes and publishes for all people at all times to read.



And it's some 51 in your Bible. Create an MEO God, a clean heart. Nathan tells David the gracious, loving God of Israel forgives you David. But the consequences, the dominoes that will fall will be very difficult. One by one, those dominoes fall in David's family and the nation of Israel, the baby, he ambassador by have dies. But even here God's grace radiates through God tells David. I'm going to give you another son with bash of a you'll call him Jedediah loved by God. He's also known in scripture as Solomon David was gross, but God was gracious.



The dominoes then keep falling in David's family. David's oldest son, Amnon violates David's daughter, Tamar that's Amnon, his half sister. Remember David multiplied wives and concubines Tamar his brother Absalom waits for David to punish his oldest son. Amnon David gets angry and rings his hands, but then sits on them. And doesn't discipline Amnon. After two years of brewing over what Amnon has done to his sister, Absalom has Amnon murdered, then Absalom flees away to get her and hides there for three years. You'll read about how general Joe AB finally convinces David to bring Absalom back to Jerusalem.



It's been five years since Absalom sister Tamar has been violated, but when Absalom gets back to Jerusalem, there's not reconciliation. He's told he may never see King David's face again, Absalom lates. Two more years in isolation, then demands to see the King his father. He burns down to Joe abs field to get his attention. Finally, for seven years of being alienated from his dad, Absalom gets to see his father again at the palace. We're only told he went in and the King kissed him. Whatever happened in that room, it was too little and too late for when Absalom left David's palace. He was committed to overthrow David as King he plans a coup and then executes it perfectly.



David flees Jerusalem with some of his men. He's a fugitive again, as he's rushing out of town, one of Saul's distant relatives, shim, AI starts throwing insults and rocks at David. One of them, if it's men wants to go cut off shimmy I's head, but David unlike Saul is not the spear throwing type. He leaves it in God's hands. The story deteriorates when Absalom enters Jerusalem, he goes up on the roof top of the palace and violates David's concubines in public view to shame his father and make reconciliation impossible. He then assembles the troops of Israel to go after his father and end him as David's men and Absalom's army clash.



David begs Joe AB please be merciful to Absalom. My son you'll read about Absalom with his long flowing hair and how his hair gets caught in a tree branch. As he rides under it on his donkey hanging there. Joe AB executes him. When David hears that his son is dead. He wails in grief. It's really pitiful a heartbroken father with the COO beaten back David is restored. As King sort of restored. A lot of the shine has rubbed off his honor. The rest of the first Samuel describes a time where famine hits the land David starts to get old in. His almost killed in battle by a Philistine.



Joanne retires hymn from the military permanently. His health begins to deteriorate and maybe his mind a little too in chapter 24, or he calls Jo Abin. In order as the census be taken of the fighting men in Israel Joe AB urges him to jail. Change his mind. You get the sense that David was starting to trust in his own numbers instead of the Lord, his God, the census took nine months. And when it was over David's heart was deeply troubled. He knew he had sinned by giving this order, a prophet comes to David and says, I have a word from God. You have three choices, three years of famine. And the land three months of running from your enemies or three days of playing on the people of Israel, a young David would have taken the three months on the run.



I mean, it was a him problem, but David shows the ladder three days of plague on Israel before David cried out to stop it. 70,000 Israelites had dyed the text. Doesn't tell us what the plague was, but how it spread is clear. It was moving like a wave we're told where it stopped at the threshing floor of a RUENA that will become a very important place. And that threshing floor of a rune I will become the place. Solomon builds the temple at the end of David's life is listed in the first two chapters of our next book first Kings he was an old tired man. He couldn't keep warm. So they got him a hot water bottle, a young woman to lie in his arms.



It makes it clear. There was nothing creepy about their behavior. Like many leaders David was a lame duck. He waited too long to hand the kingdom over to his successor. Solomon was to be the King, but David son Adda. Nijah had another idea. So he arranges his own CU. When David hears about it, he immediately steps down and annoyance Solomon King all of Israel, except that a Nijah in his bunch celebrate Solomon Israel's third King. David has a few last words for Israel and for Solomon, some of those words are to love and obey God, others aren't quite so noble. In fact, the last words recorded out of David's mouth.



In first King is him putting a hit out on shimmy eye, the rock, throwing insulting relative of Saul, who pelted him with insults when Absalom chased him out of Jerusalem. I don't know about you, but that's not the way I want my story to end. Now you've heard David story. However, we skipped one critical event. Second Samuel chapter seven. In that chapter, God made a covenant with David, a covenant, as important as the one God made with Eve, Noah and Abraham. We will learn about that covenant as well as the possible answer to the question. Just what was it that made David a man after God's own heart in our next wordpicture.