Dec. 18, 2020

60. Simple Bible overview: Song of Solomon or Song of Songs (God's gold standard for love and sex)

60.  Simple Bible overview:  Song of Solomon or Song of Songs  (God's gold standard for love and sex)
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Simple Bible overview:  Song of Songs (all).

  • There are two interpretations for this book – it is either an allegory of God’s love for his people (and Jesus’ love for the Church), OR it is a real story about the gift of love and sex between a man and a woman in an exclusive covenantal relationship gifted to them by God. When you read this, you will likely lean toward the second interpretation.  It is pretty steamy, and thankfully written with word pictures and symbolism.
  • It is a conversation and man and a woman have with themselves, with their friends, and with each other about their desire for one another as they court, and then as they come together.
  • In my opinion, it is likely Solomon is writing about this, but did not participate in this. Unless he experienced this VERY EARLY in his life, Solomon knew nothing about an exclusive covenantal love between one man and one woman for life. 
  • Love and sex were GOD’S IDEA in the first place. Satan tries to ruin everything great God has given us.  He tries to get us to have…
    • Sex without love
    • Love without sex


Love and sex -- they are like a Reece’s Peanut Butter cup – two great things that go together.  Two things that MUST go together to be great as God intended.  


EPISODE 60  The simple Bible overview of…SONG OF SOLOMON – OR SONG OF SONGS

It's the number two best selling candy...


00:00:04 the world today. And the number one candy dropped into Halloween bags at front porches. 1.2 billion of these sweet and salty treats are made every year. It's the Reese's peanut butter cup. Truly two great tastes that go great together in the wisdom book written by Solomon Song of Songs or the best Song Solomon pens, a love Song. We get to eavesdrop on a steamy conversation of a man and a woman talking to themselves and to each other written and poetry it's packed with euphemisms. So it's not to be coarse. Some try to make this an allegory. They say it's really a story about God's love for us in our love for God or about Jesus love for the church.



After all Jesus himself used the imagery of a bride groom in a bride. But when you read this love song from beginning to end in a modern translation, I think you'll realize this isn't an allegory. This is God talking about love and sex in this God inspired Song God is giving us the gold standard for what he intended in the gift of love and sex in an exclusive covenantal relationship, love and sex. A Reese's peanut butter cup, two great things that go together. They're only great when they go together. Our world separates them most commonly sex without exclusive covenantal love.



On the other side of the spectrum over the centuries, some have moved to the extreme of love without sex believing. Somehow that sex is a stumbling block in our spirituality. God made it clear from the beginning and creation. It's not good for man to be alone. God made one who corresponded and responded to Adam Adam's response. When he sees Eve, this is flesh of my flesh in the Song of Songs God returns, love, and sex to its proper place. Song of Songs describes this couple, their courtship, the beauty and desire that stir their longings for each other, their conversations, to describe the other in intimate and erotic detail from top to bottom, from inside to outside those Solomon wrote it most don't think he participated in it.



From what we know about Solomon, he knew little of this Reese's peanut butter cup of love and sex and exclusive covenantal relationship in his book of Proverbs. Solomon writes this. There are four things that are two wonderful for me, the way of a serpent on a rock, the way of a ship on the sea, the way of an Eagle in the sky and the way of a man with a woman, what Solomon couldn't understand and couldn't have experienced on his own. He describes in a Song for the ages, the intimacy and joy of a man and woman in an exclusive covenantal relationship. Jesus used the Song of Songs of a man and a woman desiring each other in an exclusive covenantal relationship as the clearest picture of God and his people to begin to grasp the love and intimacy God desires with us.



It's critical. We learn to appreciate and enjoy marital love and sexual intimacy. The way God intended, the way the Song of Songs exquisitely describes covenantal love and sexual intimacy to gifts of God that go great together to gifts of God. That must go together. And speaking of gifts of God will turn next to a gift of God that nobody really wants suffering in our next word picture.