Ten important overall themes of Scripture about the eternal destiny of the spiritually lost
How does God feel about death, what is it like to die, and what comes after?
The WHY, WHAT, and HOW of sharing our faith in Jesus
A look at two ancient passages (Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53) that are remarkably fulfilled in the trial and death of Jesus
Here are observations about the Gospel accounts that don't fit the pattern of an 'urban legend'
His statements about himself, the titles he used for himself, and the actions he did all point vividly to the conclusion he wanted listeners to conclude he was claiming to be the promised Messiah, the Son of Man from Daniel 7, the eternal Son of God.
Our attitude and behavior toward politicians, police, pastors, and parents
Well, it's now so much how much stuff we have, actually, it's whether that stuff is in a closed fist or an open hand
Who should give (and who should NOT give), how should we give, how much should we give, where should it be given
Will it be secretly or sensationally, and will it be once or twice (or not at all)?
While some Bible students "spiritualize" the passages and images about the return of Jesus (they believe He will return by dwelling in hearts of people or perhaps through His people/Church influencing the world), here are three strong reasons from Scripture that Jesus will return personally and bod…
The Bible has much to say about marriage, separation, divorce, remarrying after divorce, and living together
Growing your kids is a lot like growing plants. Here are a few quick tips 1. There are infinite varieties -- no cookie-cutter principles. Study your child. 2. They mature (bear fruit) at different times. Be patient 3. The best way to "water" is to let them soak up character in a home full …
People and churches fit into three groups -- pride, chide (that means to rebuke or scold), and guide. God's pattern in creation is one man, one woman, glued together for life (Genesis 2). Jesus and Paul repeated this. Since Genesis 3, mankind has gone off the rails in terms of God's patt…