
Feb. 5, 2021

My "Splotch" (What should be our priority as Christians or as the Church?)

You’ve done it, too, haven’t you?  Left the coffee pot on when you left the house?   You didn’t witness the last cup become sludge and then bake into a thin black splotch at the bottom of the coffee pot, but the smel…

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Feb. 5, 2021

Can we live like Jesus? (Is Jesus the pattern for how Christians should live?)

 Is Jesus the pattern for His followers in all things? As a wee boy, I watched my mother sew. After unfolding the pattern, she’d pin the crinkly paper tightly to the flattened cloth. Working her scissors down the lines of the pattern (40 …

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Feb. 5, 2021

We CAN'T do everything and do it well (The Bible gives you "a hand" on knowing what to cut out of your life)

We live in an A-plus-driven world where C-minus outcomes just don’t cut it. To do our best is the standard, to be the best is the goal, and anything less is to simply not make the grade. Just how driven is our world for sup…

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Feb. 5, 2021

Does Jesus 'tweak us' or 'transform us?' (Is Jesus an UPGRADE to our lives, or a NEW OPERATING SYSTEM?)

When we become a follower of Jesus, is it more like getting an upgrade on life or is it more switching operating systems completely?  That’s an important question to answer.  If we were really honest, most of us talk as if …

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Feb. 5, 2021

How to "store" Fido (Does God want us to run free or be chained up to rules?)

Getting a dog is a big decision.  One of the most important factors potential dog owners miss is once they get little Fido or Fifi, how are they going to store it?   Someone needs to tell them up-front that all dogs are wire…

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Feb. 5, 2021

Taking our Que from QueCreek (Do we need to stay connected during COVID -- or anytime for that matter?)

On July 24, 2002, eighteen coal miners went down into the Quecreek Mine in Somerset County, Pennsylvania. At about 9:00 p.m. their four-foot drilling bore burst into an abandoned mine shaft above the Quecreek Mine. Abandoned 50 years earlier, …

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