Courses Episodes

March 2, 2021

120. Beginner Bible Course: Jesus' appearances after the resurrectio…

The 40 days after Jesus' resurrection (John 21, Matthew 28, Luke 24)

Episode page
March 1, 2021

119. Beginner Bible Course: Theories for the empty tomb and post-dea…

The other theories for the empty grave and appearances of Jesus

Episode page
March 1, 2021

118. Beginner Bible Course: The resurrection of Jesus

The events of the first Easter Sunday according to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John

Episode page
Feb. 28, 2021

117. Beginner Bible Course: The burial of Jesus

What happened between Good Friday afternoon and Easter morning

Episode page
Feb. 27, 2021

116. Beginner Bible Course: The crucifixion of Jesus (and Jesus’ seve…

What was done to Jesus and what Jesus did (and said) on the cross

Episode page
Feb. 26, 2021

115. Beginner Bible Course: Jesus' Roman trial and scourging

The Roman trial and pre-crucifixion treatment of Jesus

Episode page
Feb. 25, 2021

114 Beginner Bible Course: Gethsemane, the arrest, and the first tri…

Jesus in Gethsemane, his arrest, and his trial by the religious leaders

Episode page
Feb. 24, 2021

113. Beginner Bible Course: Jesus' final hours with his disciples

John 14-17 - "I am the Way...I am the Vine" Jesus prays.

Episode page
Feb. 23, 2021

112. Beginner Bible Course: Jesus describes the Holy Spirit (the “He…

John 14-16 -- Jesus describes the Holy Spirit to his disciples the night before his death

Episode page
Feb. 19, 2021

111. Beginner Bible Course: The Passover meal in the Upper Room

John 13-14 - Jesus washes the disciples feet, Judas the betrayer, the "New Covenant" in Jesus' blood

Episode page
Feb. 18, 2021

110. Beginner Bible Course: Jesus gives the signs preceeding his ret…

Matthew 24-25 -- what to expect when Jesus is expected

Episode page
Feb. 16, 2021

109. Beginner Bible Course: Jesus goes off on the religious bullies …

Matthew 23 and other passages - Jesus' intense confrontation with priests, Pharisees, and the scribes

Episode page
Feb. 15, 2021

108. Beginner Bible Course: Jesus is anointed, celebrated in the 'tr…

John 12:1-19 and the other Gospels -- the beginning of the events of the week of his crucifixion

Episode page
Feb. 14, 2021

107. Beginner Bible Course: The raising of Lazarus ('I am the resurr…

John 11 - Jesus raises his friend, four days dead, as a signpost

Episode page
Feb. 13, 2021

106. Beginner Bible Course: Jesus the teacher, "unlearns" the learne…

Matthew 18-20 and other passages - Jesus untwisting what the culture had taught the disciples

Episode page