
June 9, 2023

Episode 185 (Final) The Story of Jesus

The final episode, telling the story of Jesus in a way you likely never heard it before!

Listen to the Episode
March 9, 2023

184: Bible Questions: What does the Bible say about HEAVEN?

Ten important overall themes from Scripture about the eternal destiny of those who are saved

Listen to the Episode
March 2, 2023

183: Bible Questions: What does the Bible say about Hell?

Ten important overall themes of Scripture about the eternal destiny of the spiritually lost

Listen to the Episode
Feb. 14, 2023

182. Bible Questions: What does the Bible say about DEATH?

How does God feel about death, what is it like to die, and what comes after?

Listen to the Episode
Dec. 9, 2022

181. Bible Questions: Does God expect me to share my faith with oth…

The WHY, WHAT, and HOW of sharing our faith in Jesus

Listen to the Episode
Dec. 2, 2022

180. Does ancient Old Testament prophecy point to Jesus?

A look at two ancient passages (Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53) that are remarkably fulfilled in the trial and death of Jesus

Listen to the Episode
Nov. 18, 2022

179. Bible Questions: Are the Gospel accounts of Jesus credible (or…

Here are observations about the Gospel accounts that don't fit the pattern of an 'urban legend'

Listen to the Episode
Nov. 17, 2022

178. Bible Questions: Did Jesus really CLAIM to be God?

His statements about himself, the titles he used for himself, and the actions he did all point vividly to the conclusion he wanted listeners to conclude he was claiming to be the promised Messiah, the Son of Man from Daniel 7, the eternal Son of God.

Listen to the Episode
Oct. 13, 2022

177. Bible Questions: How does God expect us to act toward politica…

Our attitude and behavior toward politicians, police, pastors, and parents

Listen to the Episode
Aug. 1, 2022

176: Bible Questions: What does the Bible say about our lifestyle (…

Well, it's now so much how much stuff we have, actually, it's whether that stuff is in a closed fist or an open hand

Listen to the Episode
July 29, 2022

175: Bible Questions: What does the Bible say about money and tithi…

Who should give (and who should NOT give), how should we give, how much should we give, where should it be given

Listen to the Episode
March 15, 2022

173: Bible Questions: How will Jesus return?

Will it be secretly or sensationally, and will it be once or twice (or not at all)?

Listen to the Episode
March 1, 2022

172. Bible Questions: Will Jesus actually return to planet Earth?

While some Bible students "spiritualize" the passages and images about the return of Jesus (they believe He will return by dwelling in hearts of people or perhaps through His people/Church influencing the world), here are three strong reasons from Scripture that Jesus will return personally and bod…

Listen to the Episode
Feb. 24, 2022

171: Bible Questions: What does the Bible say about marriage, divor…

The Bible has much to say about marriage, separation, divorce, remarrying after divorce, and living together

Listen to the Episode
Feb. 19, 2022

170: Bible Questions: What does the Bible have to say about parenti…

Growing your kids is a lot like growing plants. Here are a few quick tips 1. There are infinite varieties -- no cookie-cutter principles. Study your child. 2. They mature (bear fruit) at different times. Be patient 3. The best way to "water" is to let them soak up character in a home full …

Listen to the Episode
Feb. 16, 2022

169: Bible Questions: Is Gay Okay?

People and churches fit into three groups -- pride, chide (that means to rebuke or scold), and guide. God's pattern in creation is one man, one woman, glued together for life (Genesis 2). Jesus and Paul repeated this. Since Genesis 3, mankind has gone off the rails in terms of God's patt…

Listen to the Episode
Feb. 11, 2022

168: Bible Questions: What does the Bible say about suicide?

The Bible gives us much help and hope The Bible includes stories of suicides, stories of assisted suicides, and stories of suicidal people -- some of them BIG SHOTS in Scripture -- Moses, Solomon, Elijah Historically, the Church (Catholic and Protestant) have not done a very good job of comm…

Listen to the Episode
Dec. 24, 2021

167: Bible Questions: What did Mary know?

Mary didn't know very much, actually. That she was giving birth to a great king promised from the line of David -- one who would rescue the Jews from their Roman occupiers, probably. But the Son of God come to save His people from their sins? Nope. And here is why... 1) The Jewish religi…

Listen to the Episode
Sept. 28, 2021

166. Bible Questions: Why are some churches against the use of "sig…

Some churches encourage the use of sign gifts, others discourage the use, and some outright oppose it. Here are the reasons why... Sign gifts are such things as tongues, interpretation of tongues, words of prophecy or knowledge, healing. Sign gifts were prevalent in the Book of Acts / earl…

Listen to the Episode
Sept. 14, 2021

165: Bible Questions: What are "spiritual gifts" anyway?

Spiritual gifts are abilities God gives to each believer to be used to build up others in the local church They are a unique blend for each person -- kind of like God the artist mixes primary colors on a palet into a unique color for each believer. These are to be used on the paint-by-number …

Listen to the Episode
Sept. 9, 2021

164. Bible Questions: Are Christians Judgmental?

Bible Questions: Are Christians judgmental? Six "bumper pads" laid down by Scripture to keep Christians in the God-honoring lane when dealing with difficult issues in our world.

Listen to the Episode
Aug. 1, 2021

163. Bible Questions: The parable of the soils -- How many soils ar…

Bible questions: How many soils are "saved?" Wrong question. The right question is, "What soil does Jesus want EVERYONE who goes all in to be?" (That answer is EASY)

Listen to the Episode
July 27, 2021

162. Bible Questions: Can I lose my salvation? Can I fall (or jump…

Bible Questions: Can I lose my salvation? Maybe you CAN, but is it possible because of God's power, promise, and love, you WON'T?

Listen to the Episode