
July 26, 2021

161. Bible Questions: Can I KNOW if I am saved?

Bible Questions : What does "saved" mean and what are the indicators it has actually happened? Been wondering lately if the Lord is really in your life? Here are 10 fingerprints that He really is! As you read them (an …

Episode page
July 16, 2021

160. Bible Questions: Why can't women be pastors (and elders) in so…

Bible Questions: Are the functions of men and women in the Church interchangeable or complementary? The answer largely hinges on how churches interpret 1 Timothy 2: 11-15.

Episode page
July 14, 2021

159. Bible Questions: Does the Bible promote the poor treatment of …

It certainly reports it! But after going cover-to-cover in the Bible, my students would say it moves us back toward what God intended for women in creation

Episode page
July 13, 2021

158. Bible Questions: Where does Scripture urge Christians to excel?

Five areas God wants us to excel -- easy to remember by the five fingers on your hand...

Episode page
July 12, 2021

157. Bible Questions: Should Christians strive for excellence in al…

No. We are finite, and we need to make choices on what things to do A+ well, what things to do just C- okay and what things not to do at all

Episode page
July 10, 2021

156. Bible Questions: Is there such a thing as "righteous anger"?

Bible Questions: I am going to go with NO. It never accomplishes God's purposes. Normally we don't understand the person or the complexity of the issue, and our motives are often askew. The emotional fuse may get lit in us, …

Episode page
July 10, 2021

155. Bible Questions: What should I do about all the "gray areas" o…

Some things are very black and white in Scripture (please don't make them 'gray' even if on rare occasion in this broken world it turns a little gray). Many other things are gray for individuals. The New Testament letters, and …

Episode page
July 7, 2021

154. Bible Questions: Am I my brother's keeper (or should I mind m…

God roped us together in community, so that the actions of one person impact many others. That is why we need to be concerned for the actions and wellbeing of others, but the Bible teaches us the WHO? the WHEN? …

Episode page
July 2, 2021

152. Bible Questions: What does the Bible say about animals?

Animals are an important part of God's creation, God values them, and men and women were (are) assigned to be good caretakers. Cruelty to them demonstrates something is deeply wrong with us.

Episode page
July 1, 2021

151: Bible Questions - Introduction

Bible Questions: Introduction. These are my student's (and listeners!) questions flowing out of the 150 episodes of the WordPictures overview of the Old and New Testaments. In Bible Question episodes, I "run a magnet" over the Bible" to see what …

Episode page
June 17, 2021

150. Beginner Bible Course: Top 10 New Testament take-aways from m…

HAVE MORE QUESTIONS?? Email them to biblewordpics@gmail.com or go to the website, biblewordpics.com and email me! --Tim

Episode page
June 14, 2021

149. Beginner Bible Course: the Revelation given by Jesus to John, …

Revelation Chapters 20-22 -- The Millennium, the Great White Throne Judgment, Hell and Heaven

Episode page
June 14, 2021

148. Beginner Bible Course: the Revelation given by Jesus to John, P…

Revelation Chapter 6-19 The roller-coaster ride of Revelation 6-19

Episode page
April 13, 2021

147. Beginner Bible Course: The Revelation given by Jesus to John, P…

Revelation introduction, Chapters 1-5 The setting, audience, intended impact, and first vision

Episode page
April 10, 2021

146. Beginner Bible Course: The final New Testament letter of Jude

Jude (all). Contend for the Faith -- be ready to rumble !

Episode page
April 10, 2021

145. Beginner Bible Course: the three little letters of John

1 John, 2 John, 3 John. How we can KNOW if we are God's child again, and how we should help spread the Gospel and prevent the spread of false teaching

Episode page
April 7, 2021

144. Beginner Bible Course: The first and second letters of Peter

1 Peter (all) and 2 Peter (all). The importance of SUFFERING and SCRIPTURE in the life of one who goes all in on Jesus.

Episode page
April 5, 2021

143. Beginner Bible Course: The very practical bossy little letter o…

James (all) The New Testament's earliest letter -- wisdom for how to live for Jesus on days that end in "y"

Episode page
April 3, 2021

142. Beginner Bible Course: the letter to the Hebrews

Hebrews (all) The old recipe (old covenant) is outdated. Jesus is the perfect priest, the once-for-all sacrifice, the One the Law was intended to lead us to!

Episode page
March 30, 2021

141. Beginner Bible Course: Paul's last words -- his second letter t…

2 Timothy (all) On death row, with his execution by Nero imminent, Paul gives his final instructions and blessing to his "son in the faith."

Episode page
March 29, 2021

140. Beginner Bible Course: Paul's letters to Timothy and Titus (Pas…

1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, & Titus (all) -- Paul's instructions to porcu-pastors on how to lead and shape porcu-people in their local church nests.

Episode page
March 26, 2021

139. Beginner Bible Course: Paul's letter to the Colossians and to P…

Colossians (all) and Philemon (all). Jesus is all we need (Colossians) and how believers need to excel in forgiveness (Philemon)

Episode page
March 23, 2021

138. Beginner Bible Course: Paul's letter to the Philippians

Philippians (all) - Why we can experience JOY in the middle of difficult circumstances

Episode page