
Dec. 27, 2020

65. Simple Bible overview: The book of Amos and the book of Hosea

Simple Bible overview: God sends the last two prophets to warn the North (Israel), Amos and Hosea

Episode page
Dec. 27, 2020

64. Simple Bible overview: The story of Elijah and the story of Eli…

1 Kings 17 - 2 Kings 13 - God's first two playground attendant prophets to the Kings of the Hill in Israel

Episode page
Dec. 21, 2020

63. Simple Bible overview: The Kings of Israel

Simple Bible overview of 1 Kings - 2 Kings 17 -- The 19 "kings of the hill," from the split under Jeroboam, to their destruction The Israelites demanded a king in 1 Samuel. God tried to talk them out of …

Episode page
Dec. 21, 2020

62. Simple Bible overview: Rehoboam and Jeroboam ( The Nation of Is…

Simple Bible overview of1 Kings 11-14 - The first two "kings of the hill" What we are about to study in 1 Kings reminds me of an Elementary School playground, and especially of playing “king of the hill” on a …

Episode page
Dec. 18, 2020

61. Simple Bible overview: The story of Job

Simple Bible overview of Job (all) - Trying to make sense out of unjust pain and suffering Job is our last book of poetry, though a bit of it at the beginning is narrative – the story. The time of …

Episode page
Dec. 18, 2020

60. Simple Bible overview: Song of Solomon or Song of Songs (God's…

Simple Bible overview: Song of Songs (all). There are two interpretations for this book – it is either an allegory of God’s love for his people (and Jesus’ love for the Church), OR it is a real story about the …

Episode page
Dec. 18, 2020

59. Beginner Bible Course: The book of Ecclesiastes (the diary of a …

Ecclesiastes (all) - Solomon's conclusions on scratch-'n-sniff pursuit of satisfaction in this life

Episode page
Dec. 17, 2020

58. Beginner Bible Course: The book of Proverbs of Solomon

Proverbs (all) - Life changing wisdom for skillful living

Episode page
Dec. 16, 2020

57. Beginner Bible Course: The story of King Solomon, Israel's third…

1 Kings 2-11 - The rise and fall of the wisest man who ever lived

Episode page
Dec. 16, 2020

56. Beginner Bible Course: The book of Psalms (David's songs)

Psalms (all) - The hymnal of Israel, teaching us how to communicate in a real, raw relationship with God

Episode page
Dec. 15, 2020

55. Beginner Bible Course: God's covenant with King David

2 Samuel 7 - A promise of a king and a kingdom that will last FOREVER

Episode page
Dec. 15, 2020

54. Beginner Bible Course: The story of King David, Pt. 2

2 Samuel 1-1 Kings 2 - David's 40 year reign as Israel's 2nd king

Episode page
Dec. 14, 2020

53. Beginner Bible Course: The story of King David, Pt. 1

1 Samuel 16-31 - David, anointed, celebrated, and then on the run from King Saul

Episode page
Dec. 13, 2020

52. Beginner Bible Course: The Story of King Saul, Israel's first ki…

1 Samuel 10-31.- Israel's first king,(and the shepherd/musician he was determine to kill)

Episode page
Dec. 13, 2020

51. Beginner Bible Course: The story of Samuel the judge and prophet

1 Samuel 1-6 - God's last attempt to maintain the Theocracy

Episode page
Dec. 13, 2020

50. Beginner Bible Course: The Judges of Israel, Pt. 2

Judges 10-21 - Jephthah, Samson, Micah and the Danite tribe, and the Benjamin fiasco

Episode page
Dec. 12, 2020

49. Beginner Bible Course: The story of Ruth and Boaz!

Ruth (all) - In a world gone wrong, two people who did what was RIGHT

Episode page
Dec. 11, 2020

48. Beginner Bible Course: The Judges of Israel, Pt. 1

Judges 1-9 - The cycle of sin, oppression, and God's help through a deliverer ("judge")

Episode page
Dec. 11, 2020

47. Beginner Bible Course: The book of Joshua, Pt. 2

Joshua 6-24 - Conquering and portioning out the land

Episode page
Dec. 11, 2020

46. Beginner Bible Course: The book of Joshua, Pt. 1

Joshua 1-6 - God makes a path (again) and Generation 2 prepares

Episode page
Dec. 11, 2020

45. Beginner Bible Course: The book of Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy (all) - Moses gives the Bible's longest (amazing) sermon, to Generation 2

Episode page
Dec. 9, 2020

44. Beginner Bible Course: The book of Numbers, Pt. 3

Numbers 21-36 - How God gives and Generation 2 takes the first part of the Promised land

Episode page
Dec. 9, 2020

43. Beginner Bible Course: The book of Numbers, Pt.2

Numbers 14-20 - Generation 1 wandering in the wilderness, waiting to die

Episode page
Dec. 8, 2020

42. Beginner Bible Course: The book of Numbers, Pt. 1

Numbers 1-13 - The Children of Israel leave Mt. Sinai and head north to the Promised Land

Episode page